Chapter 60

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Chapter 60
Sarah and I lied on septate lounges, reading. She read through the letter from Siana, as I read another Ornithology book. I found myself peering over at her frowning face as she tried to put the letters in order of when they were written. She read some of them over and over again, trying to search through the hidden meaning between each word. But the disappointed face each time, meant that she hadn't found anything.
I found myself bored with the book, and in a restless mood. I wanted to do something but there was no way of tearing Sarah from the letters. Taking the cushion from behind me, I through it at her, hitting her thigh. She blinked with shock, but her eyes quickly found mine. Her stare was evil as she took the cushion that I had thrown at her from the ground, and through it at me. It hit me in the face, but was worth it to hear her giggles. I stood, as her giggles grew, storming over to her. She raised her hands to hide her face, but I took her wrists. She started to lightly kick my sides, enough for my legs to give way. I fell hard to the floor, but I didn't let go of Sarah's wrists and she soon followed me with a scream. She fell on me hard, winding me. I coughed trying to get some air. Letters that were once on top of her were now everywhere.
"What was that for?" she asked, out of breath.
My eyes flicked from her lips to her eyes and back to her lips, without thinking.
"I wanted some attention," I admitted, grazing her cheek with the backs of my fingers.
"You looked quite happy, over there with you book," she told me.
"I was, but something was distracting me."
"Oh," she said raising half her body.
The view was brilliant.
"Is this much better for you?" she asked me.
My cheeky smile and silence gave her, her answer. She lowered herself again, resting her head on the crook of my neck.
"Have you figured anything out yet?" I asked her, brushing her hair.
"A little, but not much," she told me, "Mother and I guess also your Ma, knew that Victoria wanted my father. One letter talked of nothing else. There was also one about our first meeting, what a success it had been."
I smiled at the thought. Too bad I couldn't remember it.
"Can I read it?" I asked.
She nodded, raising half her body. She picked up one letter from the ground, skimmed through it before she handed it to me.
"I think it's this one."

To my Dearest Gina
It's been months since we had seen each other, or even written. I can't pretend that I blame you for not writing. With young Justin turning ten in a couple of weeks and things going on at Locksley Manner. I know your pain.

I looked up at Sarah. She hadn't given me the right letter, but I decided not to tell her.

I can't also pretend that I write with good news either. I found my days filled with fear, and I don't even know why. I can barely leave the house without making sure Sarah-Snow or even Keegan is safe.
See the thing is, I fear that my life is in danger. And possible Sarah's or Keegan's.
I have been getting death threats and phone calls from someone unnamed, nearly every day. My only guesses are that they are from Victoria.
Oh my dearest Gina, even as I write this letter, I shake at the very thought. I can barely let Sarah-Snow at of my sight because I fear that we probably have little time with each other. Oh my dearest friend, hear my plea for help. I'm not sure that I can take this any longer.
Love, your friend, Siana

I was speechless. I lied there, with my mouth opened, eyes blinking, not knowing what to say. Had she read this? She couldn't have.
"What, what is it?" she asked.
"You better read this," I told her.
She frowned but took it.
I watched the shock wash over her face.
"Oh my God."

Justin and I, stood hand in hand, in the sitting with, while Gina sat on the lounge looking so guilty.
"How long before my mother died, when you got the letter?" I asked her.
She looked like at any moment she would burst into tears, but she stayed strong, never fully meeting my eyes. I didn't know if I was angry at her for keeping the letter secret. Or even at myself for missing it.
"A week, before," she sniffed, running her fingers over a tissue. But still no tear broke the barrier.
"And you didn't think to report it?" Justin asked.
She shook her head, "Siana got sick, I didn't think it was connected to anything."
"With cancer?" I asked.
Again, she shook her head, "No, that's just what Keegan said so you wouldn't ask questions. We didn't know what was wrong with her. One day she was healthy, the next, she couldn't even get out of bed."
I bit my lip, feeling betrayed.
"Father lied to me," I said, my voice airy.
I felt a squeeze at my hand, keeping me in the present and not in the past.
"You didn't think anything of it, with Victoria?" Justin asked.
She shook her head, "Not until they got married at least. But by then Siana had been dead for two years."
I bit back the tears, as hard as I could. I didn't went to hide in the bed anymore. I was sick of hiding and running. I just wanted to be free, of everything.
"I am so sorry my dear. You have lost so much. Your mother, your father, just because of that –."
"Evil queen," I butted in before she finish.
She smiled sadly and I honestly felt that I would fade away into nothingness. That I would float into the distances and be forgotten. But Justin's grip was too tight to let that happen. That was the only thing stopping me from disappearing.

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