Chapter 59

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Chapter 59
Breakfast was nothing special.
Just the four of us, trying to avoid the conversation of three days ago. Ma and Pa talked about Lady Baily. Her son had been found guilty of being in a hitmen group, under the order of Jeremy Fisher. She said how heartbroken Lady Baily would have been especially because her husband died only a short time ago.
"How many people were in the group?" I had asked.
"Oh, who's to say? There were five that had been arrested, sentenced to thirty years in prison. Good riddens."
"How did they catch them?" Sarah asked.
"Well, Jeremy Fisher and three of his hit man, Florence's son included, broke into, um, Dear who was it again?"
Pa looked up from his paper, "the estate near Beast Creek, wasn't it, Pinecone Manner, Lord Gilbert."
"Yes, that's it, Lord Gilbert."
I woke up at that name. I had remembered the story.
"Wasn't that family attacked five, six years ago?" I asked.
Ma nodded, "yes, the story is that Fisher wanted to make him another deal. Lord Gilbert even put his partner's life on the line. It ended up with Fisher stabbing the young lord and the butler shooting Fisher. He died instantly."
"Was Lord Gilbert okay?" Sarah asked quickly.
"Eventually yes," Pa added, "He was in a comma for a week a think, isn't that right Dear?"
Ma nodded, "Yes, that's it. That was a month ago now."
The conversation ended but my thoughts did not.
Six years ago, Lord Gilbert's family was killed, leaving him alone in that big house. Then five years later, I heard that his life was turned around by an American house maid. I even heard of a ball. Blake's parents were even invited. They said that it was amazing but it was hard to look at him because of three prefect lined scares on his face and that disappeared under the collar of his tux. His life was perfect again. Then Jeremy Fisher ruined his life, wanted to take his land, threatened his American house maid, and almost lost his life.
I looked across the table and noticed that Sarah had been looking at me. My life seemed pretty perfect right now. Could just in a couple of months, could it be ruined like Lord Gilbert's?

When Justin and I had left the dining room, he took my arm and pushed me up against the wall.
I was so shocked that I hadn't realized how his sweet his lips were on mine. I was still so stunned when he let go, easing off the pressure and took my hand.
"Come with me."
He led me, down the gallery, down the stairs, across the void and out the door. I tried hard to keep up with him, but he never let go of my hand as he took me around the house and towards the trees.
"Justin, what's going on? What's gotten into you?" He didn't answer me.
I only made the conclusion that what had been said at breakfast was on his mind like it was on mine. How could so many horrible things happen to one person? Of course I knew the answer to that.
He slowed when we were half across the flied, almost to the trees. The grass was long and stopped at my mid-thigh, but the flied was empty and open. Justin took me in his arms, hugging me tight.
Panting, he whispered in my ear, "I want to show you something."
My heart started to race at the thought of what it could be. At the weird and stimulating way he was acting. And still racing from the hall.
He took my hand and continuing to lead me to the trees.
It was amazing. So serial. Trees stood alone but connected by their branches, like a sort of canopy. I honestly believed that we would not get wet if it started to rain. The wood floor was covered by small brown leaves, still here from the autumn, which the wind slightly moved. Small sun light came through, enough to give us warmth on our faces, and light while we walked hand in hand. Up ahead was a fallen log and I knew that was our distention. He led the way, but he waited till I was comfortable before he sat beside me. I looked around me and all I could see were birds. Sparrows, robins, bramblings. All of them, chumping their own tune, looking down from their branches to look at us.
Justin pointed to the branch nearest to us.
"Look, there a great tit."
I smiled and pointed to another branch, "A Jackdawover there."
"And another one over there."
We fell into a buddle of giggles and chuckles pointing out all the different birds we could see. Till I suddenly felt tired from everything and sighed and rested my head on his shoulder. He ran his hand through my hair, slightly brushing my neck.
"I use to come here all the time, before I came to London," he stated.
"What did you do here?" I asked, my voice almost sleepish.
"Draw birds, listen to them, just to read, get away from the house."
I smiled thinking about myself in London and at Willow Tree Abby. I would escape to the wishing well to get away from my father's and Victoria's fighting. I would run to the wishing well at the park, to get away from the endless nights with strangers, to try and feel a connection to my home. I often felt it.
I felt a connection now, but it was a different sort of home. Justin, Justin was my home. When I felt lost and unsure, I ran to him to feel that connection.
He was my wishing well.

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