"There's plenty of me to go around."


"You sure you're okay?"

"Yes," I laugh, putting my hand over Harry's on my knee. His creased brow tells me he's not completely convinced. "Stop asking me that."

"You've been really quiet ever since we left the house and that was like..six hours ago."

"I'm fine."

"That's what you always say when you're not fine, though."

"Harry, you worry too much." I lean my elbow on the centre console of his car, my chin in my palm. "You're going to put lines in your pretty face."

"Pretty," he mutters, shaking his head. "Great."

"It is."

Harry just laughs as he pulls into the parking lot at my Dad's place. Leaving Gale's house this morning was hard because I wasn't expecting to feel at home there the way I did. The last thing I expected was to get so close with her family. My family, I guess. And that's how it feels now. Like I have a family. It's been so long since I've felt that way that honestly, it's a little unsettling. I think it's in a good way, but it's weird. And I miss Jayden.

"I'm going to facetime Jayden," I tell Harry as he gets our bags from the back seat.


"Yeah, I told him I would when we got home. He wants to see where I live."

Before he can argue I'm already calling the boys' iPad. It rings all while we're in the elevator. Then Jayden's cute little chubby cheeks and dark brown eyes appear on the screen and it makes me smile instantly.


"Hey, Jayden."

"You didn't forget!" he says happily.

"Of course I didn't. Harry told me not to call you, though."

"Not true!" Harry leans his head beside mine and shakes his head so he's in view of the camera. "She told me she thinks you look funny."

"Harry is a big meanie," I tell Jayden, pushing Harry out of the screen. "Do you miss me?"

"Yeah," he says, nodding his head. "Me and Mommy clean your room today."

"Did you? Did Evan help?"

"Yeah, and he say he wants you to come back again. And bring Harry, too. He like playing hockey with Harry and not me because I like to draw."

I look up at Harry while he unlocks the door to the apartment. He's smiling to himself, which isn't surprising because I know how happy he is that he gets along with the boys. He walks inside and I follow him in with the phone.

"He might come back," I promise. "Okay, want to see my house?"


I give him a little tour of the place and at the end he makes a cute comment about how small it is. I hear Gale scolding him in the background and his cute little apologetic expression makes me smile. He tells me he has to go to eat dinner now and then hangs up before I can even say goodbye. Harry laughs at my disappointed expression and takes the phone from my hand.

"Don't look so sad," he says. He tosses it onto the couch along with his own and my keys and his and his wallet.

"What are you doing?"

A Crazy Thing Called Love (Harry Sytles Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now