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"I think he thinks we're dating."


I have been listening to my father and Harry talk all night about The Beatles and Rolling Stones and Mick Jagger and all these other classic artists that they are both obsessed with. The. Entire. Time. I could not be more bored.

"Okay!" I exclaim, interrupting yet another argument. "Can we please talk about something else?"

My Dad laughs and Harry smiles at me. Neither could be more annoying right now.

"Sorry," my Dad says. "We can talk about anything you'd like. Anything at all."

"I found that book you wanted me to read," I tell him. I turn to Harry. "The reading thing comes from my father."

"Is that so?" Harry asks. "She's got a stack about ten books high on her desk, you know."

"In her bedroom?" my Dad asks. Harry's eyes go wide and I look at my father with a scolding expression. "What?"

"Dad, I live in a house full of girls and I'm not going to hang out where they can all listen in. All of my friends go in my room, it's not a big deal."

"Nothing happened," Harry butts in. I look at him with wide eyes. Not helping, Harry.

"How long are you staying?" I ask, switching the conversation desperately. "We have our last game at USC for a few weeks on Saturday and I was hoping-"

"I'm sorry, Angel," he says, smiling sadly at me. "I'm only here until Wednesday."

"Oh." I try not to look too disappointed, but the truth is that I'm devastated. It's been years since my father has been able to watch me play. "That's all right."

"I'm sorry," he repeats. "I really do want to watch you play, and I'll make sure the next time I'm back I'm here on a weekend so I can do that."

I nod and look at Harry, who tries to give me an encouraging smile. It doesn't work well, but it's nice to have him here. Otherwise I'd probably be a mess all night.

"How about dessert?" Dad suggests. I nod.

"I'll have what I always have," I say. "I'm just going to use the restroom. I'll be right back."

My Dad probably knows that I just need a minute; he's used to me being emotional when he's in town. The older I get the less I see him. Maybe he figures that I need him less, but I don't. I need at least one parent and most of the time I have none.

When I get in the restroom I take a few deep breaths and give myself a tiny pep talk. I can cry when I'm in bed tonight on my own. At my Dad's place, probably. The door opens and I immediately try to right myself, but I realize it's Harry and then I'm more alarmed than anything else.

"Shit, am I in the wrong bathroom?" I whisper harshly. He laughs and shakes his head. "Okay, then what the hell are you doing in here?"

"I wanted to make sure you're okay," he says, sliding his hands in his pockets. "I could see you were upset."

"Oh." That's incredibly sweet. "Umm...yeah, I think I'm okay. It just sucks." I try to smile, but it's pained at best.

"Yeah, I can imagine. Do you need anything?" He steps forward and I kind of wish he would hug me. I shrug and he steps forward again. "I'm here to help."

"I'm okay."

He smiles. "You don't have to be so tough all the time, you know."

I almost move to hug him, but then the door opens and an elderly lady steps in. She seems extremely surprised and I have to cover my mouth so I don't laugh at the expression on Harry's face.

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