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"I'm done."


Fighting with two of five boys that live in this house yet here I am on the front porch of their house. It's the last place I'd like to be right now, but I have shit here and I need to get it because one of those things is my phone. I tried to go without it, figuring Harry would bring it to school and I wouldn't have to do this, but apparently he didn't realize. Or he's being an ass and not taking it to me knowing I'll come get it eventually. Realistically, I could go longer without it. But if I missed a call from my Dad I would be devastated.

"Fuck," I mutter, knocking on the door. I hope it's Zayn or Louis or Niall. Any of them will do.

But the universe hates me.

Liam opens the door. Of course Liam opens the door.

"What are you doing here?"

"I left some stuff here," I tell him.


He doesn't move or anything so we just stand there awkwardly for a minute. Apparently I missed the time when he got so petty and immature.

"So can I get my shit?" I ask. He rolls his eyes and walks away from the door completely. I close it quietly and scan the room to see if any of the boys are here. Of course, they aren't. The stairs look daunting as I stand at the base, and when I start to climb them I get a nervous stutter in my chest. Harry's door is open when I get to the top, but he doesn't seem to be there. Cautious steps bring me inside and I breathe a small sigh of relief when it is, in fact, empty.

I start gathering up my stuff into my backpack; I hadn't realized I'd left so much here. I guess for the party I figured I'd be staying here and I sort of forgot about it when I left after my little fight with Harry. Which came from nowhere. He's so annoying sometimes. Who does he think he is? Telling me not to spend time with someone or even talk to them. It's ridiculous. And completely uncalled for. He doesn't have the right, not when he's the one who's actually been on a date with someone else.

He went on a fucking date with someone else.

The clothes in my hands drop to the floor and suddenly I get a heavy feeling in the middle of my chest. It's almost as if all the air has been knocked out of my lungs. He says he didn't know what it was but he...he did, he went on a date. Maybe I did encourage him to do that and maybe we are broken up but now it feels...not that good.

What are we doing? Whatever this thing is between Harry and I, it's not healthy. We're not together but we're acting like we are. Why would he even ask me not to talk to Travis? It's not like I ever wanted to go out with him. Harry has to know by now that I'm not interested in anyone else, but for some reason he still has to do things like this. It doesn't make any sense. None of this makes sense. It makes my brain hurt.

This could be so much simpler. My life used to be just that: simple. And now there's Harry and everything is different. But I'm not sure if it's a bad thing or not.

My phone is attached to Harry's charger when I find it, which is weird because I definitely don't remember putting it there. It makes me smile a little; even though it's not that big of a deal, it still shows that cute side of him that cares. Sometimes I don't get it. The only person who's ever showed this much interest in my life or concern for me is my father and my grandparents.

"What are you doing?"

I whip around at the sound of Harry's voice, and consequently my phone goes flying out of my hand and when I bend down to get it I hit my head on the wall.

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