"Harry isn't even dressed."


Damn this bed is comfortable. And huge. These sheets have to be made of legitimate silk. They're soft as fuck. There is not one single part of me that wants to get out of this bed. Even if Carmen isn't here because when I reach out to the side I can't feel her. This is her bed right...

"Carmen?" I roll onto my back and prop myself up on my elbows. After a scan of the room my eyes land on the other side of the bed where she is literally on the very edge with a smile on her face because she knows I can't reach her.

"Yes?" she asks innocently. She starts laughing when I reach for her, first eluding my grasp until I get a fistful of her shirt. "Harry! You're going to rip it!"

"Then come closer."

This is the best part of our relationship. Yeah, it's complicated and messy sometimes but that doesn't mean it's not worth it. Moments like these when we're just playful and laughing and she looks so damn happy it makes my chest feel like fucking exploding.

"Okay! Okay, fine." She huffs and I remain sitting on her waist, her wrists caught under my hands. "You win."

If this isn't winning then I really don't know what is. After a quick trip down my torso her eyes flash back up to mine and she bites her lip to hold back a smile. I can't remember the last time I wanted something as badly as I want her. Not just physically- obviously there's that- but everything, every part of her. I don't think I've ever worked so hard at something in my whole life.

"Harry." She squirms around a bit and tries to get out of my grasp. "Get off me."


"Deal with it."

I raise my eyebrows. "Someone came to California and got an attitude."

"When did I not-"


Carmen's eyes go wide and she manages to get her hands free, which are instantly shoving at my chest to get me off her. Suddenly her door swings up and she flings the covers over my lower half as Jayden comes running towards the bed. He manages to leap almost completely on it, barrel rolling to get himself all the way up. He sits up and looks at me like he forgot I was here, then shrugs and crawls over to Carmen. Wary brown eyes stare at me while he curls up against Carmen, the tips of two of his fingers pinched between his teeth.

"Morning," Carmen says.

"What's that?" Jayden points to my arm and then curls back into Carmen's lap. How long has she been here? He's already so attached to her.

"What's what?" Carmen asks. She leans over to see his face and he grins so completely adoringly at her that it makes me smile. This is exactly what I wanted for her when she decided to come here.

"That stuff on his arm," he says. Oh.

"Those are called tattoos," Carmen explains.

"What's that?"

"They're drawings. Like yours, but on skin."

Jayden crinkles up his nose and looks up at her again. Carmen just laughs and leans back against the headboard while the little boy thinks about what she said. Slowly he eyes me again and part of me is starting to think he doesn't remember meeting me last night.

"Jayden," Carmen says, "You remember Harry, right?"

"Who's Harry?"

"I am." He looks at me and I hold my fist up. Without even a second's hesitation he hits his against mine and it makes Carmen and me both laugh.

A Crazy Thing Called Love (Harry Sytles Fanfic.)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora