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"Seems like there's more people I care about over here."


Exams. They're not as daunting to me as they are for a lot of students, since I usually spend all of my free time during the semester studying so I don't feel the need to cram when the time comes to right the test. My father used to send me study schedules in high school by the month from wherever he was so he could still have some sort of influence on my grades, and I actually stuck to them. I learned good things from that man.

We have classes run until the end of the first week of december usually, however the days end up falling. This year exams run from December 8 until the 20th and for those two weeks and all of winter break I will be staying at my Dad's place. We have the gym booked for practice still, but Austin says we only have to come if we have time or need a study break. School comes first. Living with the girls during these times is never a good thing; they don't take it seriously, and there are still parties on the weekends and lots of drama to deal with. I'd rather hide out at my Dad's place until the new semester begins.

"Harry, quit it!" I reach across the table to put my hand over his, which had been incessantly tapping his pen. He smiles.

"Someone's grumpy," he says. I roll my eyes and lean back again in my chair.

"I'm not grumpy, you're just incredibly annoying."

"Well I'm bored of studying." He shuts his books. "We've studied a ridiculous amount of time. I never study this much for exams and I always do pretty good on them, so I think we should do something else."

"I have my first exam in two days, Harry. And it's stats. You can do whatever you want, but I need to study."

"Carmeeeeeeeen," he whines. I continue doing the problem I was working on and he stands up. "Please?"

"Don't do it." He walks around the table to me and I know he's going to pick me up or something else annoying. Harry just laughs, but his hand covers mine that's holding a pencil.

"I'm just helping. You're doing this one wrong."

He starts writing with my hand and eventually just scribbles over the page. Despite myself I laugh, but my elbow goes back into his stomach. His other arm wraps around me and he tears the pencil from my grip.

"Harry, I'm serious," I say, trying not to laugh. My arms are trapped by him.

"Sure," he agrees. He suddenly moves beside me and slides one hand under my legs, lifting me right out of my chair.

"Put me down!" I whine, kicking my legs. He makes a tisking noise at me and shakes his head.

"Don't yell, now. The neighbours already don't like us."

"They don't like you," I remind him as he drops me onto the couch. "Mrs. Turnbull always makes me muffins."

"I like muffins."

"Yes well, I don't think she'll be making any for you." I try to sit up, but he sits where my head was and puts his arms around me so I can't go anywhere. "Harry," I laugh, "I seriously need to keep studying."

"I've overseen your studying and I think you're more than ready," he says simply. "Let's play Wii."


"Oh, you're going to play Wii with me. And you're going to like it."

"How do you even have friends?"

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