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"Why can't I just say it."


By the time I walk up to the doorstep of the boys' house Liam is already outside, practically running down them and dragging me back towards the road. We made plans to go to a movie tonight, but I didn't realize he was so desperate to get there.

"Liam," I laugh, "The movie doesn't start for another forty-five minutes. What's the rush?"

"Nothing. I'm- I want to get there," he says quickly. Too quickly. Something's weird.

"What's wrong with you?" I ask, squinting my eyes at the back of his head. He just shrugs and stops down the street at the bus stop without making eye contact with me. He's anxiously looking up and down the street, then back towards his house, fidgeting the whole time.

"It's late," he mutters frustratedly, taking another glance back at this house.

"No it's not. Liam, you're acting like you're on drugs or something."

"I'm fine."

As I roll my eyes at him the bus pulls up in front of us. Liam practically rips my shoulder out of the socket when he tugs me on to it and my patience is wearing thin with him right now. When we sit down he seems to relax a little, taking a deep breath when we drive in front of his house and pass it.

"You have problems," I tell him, folding my arms and staring out the window.

Being out in public like this makes me nervous. Because I'm so damn pathetic I've spent the last week and a half since I saw my mother hiding at my house, my Dad's apartment or at the gym at school. That's not really hiding, though, it's more like trying to distract myself. Nothing seems to be going right for me lately, so playing volleyball is a good way to try to rebuild my shaken self esteem.

My mother being in town is beyond confusing. Honestly, I have no idea if she's still here, but I'm going to wait a good month before I venture out freely like I used to. Which is ridiculous, because I shouldn't have to feel like I can't walk around my own city. Apparently it doesn't matter, though. Harry's advice has been bouncing around in my head ever since we went to the park, along with his offer to talk to her for me. It might even help if he just goes with me; I could ask Liam or Ivy or even Louis, but I think Harry is the only one that'd actually help me by being there. He understands my situation and he wouldn't let my mother trick me or take advantage of the opportunity to talk. Plus, he'd probably intimidate her. And that'd be fun for me.

But I don't want to see her. Okay, maybe I do a little bit. But I don't. The only reason I want to see her a tiny, teeny little bit is because we're biologically connected. Maybe that creates some sort of invisible bungee cord that keeps us tied regardless of how far I try to get. I need to get myself some invisible scissors or something.

"Popcorn?" Liam asks. I nod instantly. Comfort food is one of my best friends right now.

"What movie are we seeing?" I ask when he hands me the tickets.

"That new comedy. Is everything okay?" he asks as we make our way to the theatre. "You seem distracted."

"Yeah...well, no. But I'm okay."


As we make our way to the theatre I get this really unsettling, uncomfortable feeling. I can't quite put my finger on what it is, but it's like this tiny not in the pit of my stomach. Like I swallowed a marble or something. Liam keeps telling me about Talia- which is all he talks about lately- and I mostly catch what he's saying, maybe half of it. It's really weird, though. I can't stop looking around once we have our seats.

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