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"Got anymore secrets?"


Most of my evening has consisted of staring at Carmen. She looks gorgeous, first of all, and after this afternoon I just can't help myself. We still haven't spoken about it officially, but I finally feel like she's mine. All mine. Once in a while when she's talking to someone her eyes will wander to mine, and when I smile at her her cheeks turn slightly pink and I know we're thinking about the same thing.

Today couldn't have been more incredible. I had this picture of what our first- well, second I guess- time would be like, and this was so much better than I ever could have imagined. I feel like a fucking girl saying that, but it's true. I feel like I'm on cloud nine, or higher but I don't know if that would make sense. Anyway.

I can tell Carmen is getting irritated with the person she's talking to, because the smile on her face is far from sincere. It makes me laugh a little, and when I start walking over to her my whole body starts like...tingling or something. She looks gorgeous, and she's got a sort of glow about her right now. The dress Gem leant her is floor length, fitted to about her hips and then flows down to the ground. It's a deep blue colour with some silver embroidery on it, and with all the lights in here she seems to sparkle.

"Hi, Mr. Raymonds," I say when I step up to them. I place my hand on the small of Carmen's back and shake his hand with the other. "How's the wife?"

"Harry," he says happily. "She's well, thank you. Hip is healing nicely."

"That's great, tell her I said hello." He nods. "Do you mind if I steal Carmen for a moment?"

He nods again and my hand slides over Carmen's, pulling her away from the dull old man and towards the bar.

"I was about to die of boredom," she says when we're far enough away.

"I could tell. Good thing I rescued you."

She squeezes my hand places her other one on my arm. It's a struggle to keep myself calm, to be honest, and I don't think she even realizes what she's doing to me. When we get to the bar I let my hand rest on her hip, slowly lowering it a little. She puts her hand on my chest and looks up at me, batting her eyelashes as she does.

"Fuck, don't look at me like that," I whisper.

"Like what?" she asks innocently.

I just shake my head and she kisses my cheek, my heart racing a little. I order each of us a drink and try to focus on breathing normally so I'm not walking around here with an uncomfortable bulge in my pants.

"I told you the tie would look nice," she says, running her fingers along the black material. I went for all black with a white shirt, and while I wanted to leave a few buttons undone and go without the tie, Carmen convinced me it would be better this way.

"Yeah, fine. You win."

She smiles warmly and our eyes lock for a moment, I can practically see the images in her eyes, stolen kisses and soft touches and gentle whisperings that all told her without words how much I really care about her. Today has been the best day of my life. The bartender places our drinks in front of us and I place a gentle kiss on her forehead before we both take one.

"You look beautiful," I say in her ear.

"You've told me that like five times already," she reminds me.

"Just want to make sure you remember."

She smiles and tilts her chin up, and immediately my lips are on hers. It's really hard not to try anything, to keep this appropriate for other people to see. My mother would yell at me in front of everyone if she saw me standing here making out with Carmen at one of her fancy events. So, against everything my body is telling me I stop kissing her and take a sip of my drink instead.

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