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"You can't avoid me forever."


It's been three days since my fight with Carmen and it's also been three days since I've seen or spoke to her. I tried calling her the next day, like I said that I would, but she didn't answer and all of my texts but one have gone ignored. It's been a while since we've gone this long without talking, and there's not one part of me that doesn't miss her. It's this hollow ache in my chest that never seems to go away. Today I've given up; I have't tried calling her all day because I can't take her ignoring me anymore.

We've started classes and she's started volleyball again; today I can't wait anymore. I need to go see her and the only way to do that is to go to her practice today. It's not until seven tonight and my class ends way before that, but it doesn't matter. fighting like this is ridiculous. We're both upset, but I don't even remember what I'm mad about. All I know is it all started when I asked about her mother. Apart from that, I have no idea anymore. Obviously we have some things to discuss, we're not angry for no reason, but I can't remember what they actually are.


I look up from my phone and find Lily sliding into the seat beside me on my small four-person table in the cafeteria.

"Hey, Lil." I set my phone down. "What's up?"

"What are you doing here all by yourself? Don't you have a girlfriend to keep you company these days?"

I laugh nervously and look at the table, picking at my fingernails. "Yeah, I guess."

"Uh-oh. Trouble in paradise?" she asks.

"Maybe a little."

"What happened?"

"Good question. Everything was fine...I don't know, we had a stupid fight." My fingers push through my hair. "Hang on, have you met Carmen?"

"No, I haven't. I think I've seen her around campus, but we've never met. Are you waiting for her right now?" She looks around the caf and I shake my head.

"No, she's...I don't know what she's doing right now, actually."

"Isn't she on the hockey team or something?"


"Oh, well maybe she's at the gym. You should go talk to her."

"That's a fantastic idea. I hadn't thought of that," I say sarcastically. She laughs and shakes her head and for once I'm actually smiling. Is it a bad thing that there aren't many people besides Carmen that make me smile anymore?

"You look like a lost puppy sitting here alone."

"Well I am no longer alone, am I?"

"I don't count. Plus, didn't your girlfriend think we were together or something? She probably doesn't like me," she says, leaning her chin on her palm.

"Yeah, probably not."

"Hey!" she laugh, hitting my arm. "You could at least lie for the sake of my feelings."

"You're not all that delicate."

"What the hell is this?"

We both spin around to the voice, and as soon as I see Carmen a smile spreads across my face. She stares at Lily with a suspicious and slightly disgusted look on her face, and when her eyes finally float to mine I realize why she looks pissed. I look at Lily and the back to her, shaking my head and standing from my seat.

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