❄ 15 ❄️ The Order Of The Phoenix And Dumbledore's Army ❄️

Start from the beginning

A girl with long strawberry-blonde hair and large, dark blue eyes stared at them curiously.

"Hello." she greeted them in a soft, polite voice, first settling her curious gaze on Rhys and then Wren. "I'm Victoire Weasley, and these are my siblings Dominique and Louis, and my cousins and family members James and Albus Potter, Rose Granger-Weasley, Fred, Roxanne, Molly and Lucy Weasley, Lorcan and Lysander Scamander and Cedric and Cerys Davies."

The other children all nodded their heads as she spoke their names, their eyes bright with curiosity as they stare up at them. Wren smiled warmly at them all and knelt down before them.

"Hello. My name is Wren Alba. It's a pleasure to meet you." she greeted them all kindly.

The children all murmured a hello in response, their eyes flickering from Wren to Rhys, and back.

"Can one of you tell me where Ginny or Hermione is? I would like to bathe before breakfast," she asked them.

"Mummy and Aunt Hermione are in the basement," Albus said suddenly in his quiet voice.

He was an exact replica of Harry, right down to the mess of jet black hair atop his head. His bright green eyes widened suddenly and he lowered them to the floor shyly, his entire face flushing scarlet. Wren smiled kindly at him and reached out to ruffle his hair.

"Thank you for helping me, Albus." she thanked him sweetly.

His eyes flashed up to her face, wonder flickering over his small face.

"I will show you to the bathroom." Rose Granger-Weasley said, drawing both Wren's and Rhys' attention onto her.

She was an exact replica of Hermione except for her hair, which was a reddish-brown color. Wren nodded her head to the little girl in consent. Rose turned around and started back down the staircase.

"Can you bring Hugo down to the kitchen for me, Toire?" she called back over her shoulder to the older girl.

"Of course," Victoire replied, watching their retreating forms.

"Thanks." Rose thanked her cousin as she and Wren disappeared around a corner.

Rhys turned to follow after her and Wren. They all stopped on the second-floor landing and Rose showed Wren to the bathroom halfway down the hallway. Wren thanked her politely before stepping into the bathroom. She flashed a small smile at Rhys before closing the door behind her. He followed Rose back down the hallway and down the staircase.

They walked into the entrance hall and down the hallway to the door that led to the basement. Rhys reached the bottom step of the basement staircase and gazed around the room. The room was long and made of dark cobble-stone with a large fireplace taking up the far wall. A long counter ran the entire length of the one wall. A long and scarred table stood in the middle of the room.

Pots and pans hung from the ceiling above the table. Hermione, Ginny, and a woman with long, waist-length, dirty blonde hair were setting the table and adding more chairs. Harry, Ron, and a tall man were leaning over a scroll of parchment spread out on the counter. Hermione looked up from her work and smiled at him once she saw him.

❄ Twilight Forever ❄ Book 1 ❄ Cold Fall ❄Where stories live. Discover now