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Your POV

Sounds echoed from every which way. Where were you? Your sight had failed you, everything an echoing, screaming white. Your ears rung with a loud, piercing squeal, making you constantly cringe. Where was Hero?

A loud roar broke the ringing, making you jump a little. A mumbled voice spoke to you. Was that Seto? Indeed, it was. He was saying something about going inside someone's head- Wait, what? You knew that he could use magic, but going inside someone's head?

Before anymore thought could pass on the subject, Seto himself appeared in front of you. He looked at you and sighed in relief.

"Good, you can hear me. I need you to listen to me. Hero's alive. He needs you. We all need you, y/n. But I need you to wake up. Alright?"

You felt yourself nod, did you nod? Seto nodded back, disappearing into the fading white. With pulsing agony, you pulled yourself from this coma-like state. The first one to see was Adam. He gave a bright grin, his glasses hiding his eyes.

"She's awake! Y/n's awake!" he shouted, hugging the nearest person.

You slowly sat up, a scene of horror laid before you. A huge, bipedal wolf was fighting the dragon, its eyes blazing white. Was that Hero??

"Heeooo!" your numb brain shouted out loud, making Adam carefully pick you up in his arms.

"Y/n, he's alright. He's got this, I promise. Just relax, you need it." he said, holding you at chest-height.

You watched in misery and worry as Hero battled against that monster. He dodged, it did the same. The battle seemed never-ending until the dragon's footing slipped, allowing Hero to tear out its throat. With a gasp, you placed a hand over your own. The dragon writhed on the ground before death took hold, Hero growling, "Filthy creature..." and turning back towards us.


Hero POV

I turned to face the few people behind me, Adam holding onto y/n. She was alive! I rushed over, tripping over my own feet and landing with my chin on the ground.

"Hero!" she cried, tears streaming from her eyes. Adam placed her near me, myself sitting upright so I could hug her. "Don't ever do that to me again..." she bawled as she buried her face into my shoulder.

I awkwardly hugged her close, "I promise..."


A/N So sorry for the short chapter, I'm kinda caught up with new chapter ideas and such... Sorry.


No Pain, No Mercy | Herobrine X Reader Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now