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Hero POV

"I'm mortal here..." I rubbed the back of my neck, y/n's jaw dropping.

"You're WHAT!?" she shrieked, making me wince.

I nodded, Mitch shaking his head and running his hands through his hair.

"So, what're we going to do now?" Adam asked, adjusting his too-dark glasses.

I shrugged, "Honestly... no idea. Notch had the idea of gathering the Admins."

Adam shook his head, "We're mortal too, ya know. There's not much we can do." he shrugged.

"True, but together-"

"Don't start, Sky." a new voice spoke, sounding from behind me.

I turned, a shorter, pale teen with dark brown hair and bright orange eyes standing with a black and orange lizard on his shoulder. He wore grey and orange jeans and a white and orange tee-shirt, black earbuds hanging around his neck attached to an iPod in his jean pocket. He snapped a gum bubble between his teeth in a sassy, defiant attitude.

"Liz? What're you doing here?" Mitch asked, clearly confused.

Liz shrugged, "I figured that I might help. Unless, you don't want me to." Liz began to walk away.

I grasped his shoulder, "We need all the damned help we can get." I growled, receiving a glare from Liz and the lizard on his shoulder.

Then the glare disappeared, a grin replacing it.

"Alright, old man." he turned back around, "When do we start?"

--- A/N (Liz is my Minecraft OC, I do badass him. Excuse this, the others will get this too)

Your POV

Finally, some help had arrived. But, I didn't exactly expect a shorter teen with a lizard. He was scrawny at that. Plus, that lizard he had with him was talkative... I soon learned his name was Fire.

"So, something new you've gotta know. Don't make me mad, I WILL kill you." Liz explained, feeding Fire with chunks of charcoal.

"And why's that?" Adam asked, practicing on a wooden dummy with his sword.

Liz laughed, "Do you not know who I am??"

Mitch rolled his eyes, "You're FireLizardStudios, dragonoid and stuck-up artist." he said.

Liz nodded, "Exactly. I'm a dragonoid." He tossed up a piece of charcoal, Fire bouncing up and snapping it into his jaws.

I jumped, hugging Hero a little tighter. Liz and Fire scared me in a way. Then, the front door opened. Deadlox, AntVenom, and SetoSorcerer stepped inside, making myself internally squeal. Seto was cuter in his Minecraft form than IRL, but not as much as Deadlox. I ran over, hugging him.

He froze, hugging me back, "Well, hey, y/n." he laughed, smiling.

"I missed you..." I whined, making him ruffle my h/c hair.

"Guess so." he shook his head. I let him go, returning to Hero's side.

Seto turned to Adam, "We're the only one's who could make it. Brice is coming later." he explained, his once brown eyes glowing a faint violet.

Mitch shook his head, "He's always late for things like this." he continued to sharpen his axe.

Seto only nodded.


Now it was time to go out into this mess. We had prepared for the worst; monsters, griefers, mutants, even bosses. The only 'lazy' one was Liz. He didn't gather anything. He only sat on his iPod playing Geometry Dash and complaining that he messed up ever five minutes. He was quite the curious one.

I even prepared, grabbing my sword from the wall in my room and sharpening it alongside Mitch. We then adorned armor and set out.

Outside was in ruins, monsters and creatures roaming everywhere from every mod. In the sky, black and grey smoke rose from distant buildings that were smoldering in the wreckage. Cars of all kinds lay in the streets, each abandoned by their owners. Some were even in shambles from Creeper explosions and stray dragons.

"My god..." Adam breathed, glancing around in awe and despair.

Mitch nodded, "This is what happens when our worlds merge..." he continued forward, Betty in his hand, a mission stamped into his mind.

We followed, making our way to the city center. It all lay in ruins, each building abandoned. Dust tried to settle, but was blown away from the flow of the flames. Sole Creepers walked among the wreckage, stalking any living remnant. A small pack spotted us, hissing at us as they charged our way. Mitch stood his ground, planting his feet and hacking at the beasts. Thick, gritty blood splattered across the pavement, carcasses falling in pieces as Mitch's axe sliced through them.

I looked away, Adam holding in the bile that caught in his throat. Mitch stood in a circle of blood and gore, cleaning off his axe without a tinge of sickness.

"Come on. We need to move."

No Pain, No Mercy | Herobrine X Reader Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now