Dead Girlfriend, Dead Dragon

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{Warning! Chapter Is Extremely Graphic! Read With Caution!}

Hero POV

The fierce heat gnawed at my skin like paper, making me cry out in agony. I never felt so weak. Soon, the flames reached flesh, then muscle, then bone. I became nothing but ashed upon the ground. Yet, I still felt as if I stood there, alive and well. What was this feeling? I opened my eyes, and to my surprise, I was standing amidst the flames. With my sword raised in front of me, a powerful magic had created a sort of force field. Something strong inside of me rose to the surface; what could it be?

The image of y/n had popped into my head before the pain subsided. It was love. I loved y/n to the very ends of my existence, and I wasn't about to let myself die here with her alone. The fires died down, revealing the dragon's massive body. I glanced around for y/n. To my horror, she laid on the ground behind me, Adam tending to her. Was she dead? Alive? I didn't care.

I turned to face the beast, anger boiling inside me. This creature had killed my love, and now I will avenge her. With anger turned to rage and rage to burning fury, my eyes began to glow brighter than ever. I gritted my teeth, my canines enlongating. I threw away my sword, claws forming against my nails. My ankles lengthened as my skull turned wolven. Fur formed all over my body, my shirt and jeans tearing into shreds as a tail formed behind me. My ears moved to the top of my head, a long, roar-like howl erupting from my jaws. Now, we we're almost even in size.

The dragon snarled, loops of thick drool hung from its open jowls. I snarled back, shaking the air around me. It glowered at me with burning eyes, lashing its whip-like tail at me. I dodged, snapping my jaws to latch onto it. Success; the dragon let loose a howl of pain, raking me with its massive claws. Pained, I yelped, rolling backwards. I landed on my feet, darting forward again to try to gain some advantage.

The beast grunted, my body slamming into it's. We pushed at each other, kicking up mounds of earth and roots behind our feet. Soon, I gained an advantage, the dragon's feet slipping out form underneath it. I took this chance and sunk my teeth into its neck. I gave an echoing roar, falling beneath me. I unclenched my jaws from its neck and tore at it with claws, shredding flesh and scale. Its hind legs kicked at my gut, trying to force me off. I held on, opening my jaws wide for the death blow. With a quick motion, I latched onto the dragon's throat and jerked my head sideways. A black fountain erupted from the now-empty crater, the fleshy windpipe clenched in my jaws.

I hopped off the writhing body, spitting out the rotted-tasting flesh. Black runnels trailed down from my bottom jaw to my throat, splatters across my chest and claws. I glanced back at the beast, gurgling roars escaping its constant snapping jaws. The tail curled and coiled like a beheaded snake, the body flinching and jerking as the blood gushed from the missing chunk.

"Filthy creature..." I spat, the dragon's body giving one last jerk before relaxing in a pool of obsidian blood.

No Pain, No Mercy | Herobrine X Reader Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now