Leaving Atlanta..for The World

Start from the beginning

She stuck her pointy tougues. "Yes it is. I beat you, we had a bet." 

"Fine." I sighed, playing along. "What may I do for you Mrs. Bieber?" 

She frowned at her name but enjoyed it. "CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM!" She skipped out taking my wallet.

"Bye Mom!" I shouted, running after her. She was across the street and their were cars around. "Careful Karla, you might get hurt." 

"What? Your not my dad." She let me smile drop as she thought of Mr. McClain, her dad. 

"Karla, comon don't be sad." I knew her too welll, I knew what she was thinking. 

"I miss him." She clinged to my arms as we walked down to the supermarket. I nodded, I missed my dad all the time too. 

There were people staring at us in the store but no one came up to us, which is good. Karla tried her best to cover herself in my chest. "Karla." I sissed. "Why do you have to hide?" She shook her head and ignore me. 

Then we ate our ice crream in silence, watching the news. 

"And todays weather is..." The weathergirl pointed. "Cloudy." I groaned switching chanells. 

"Breakthrough artist, Justin Bieber." The guy in the tv spoke. Well this should be interesting. "Spotted 3 times with mystery girl." Karla looked up, seeing out picture. I saw the picture of us back in Stratford (first chapter) pictures of us dancing in school (chapter 3) and pictures of us in the supermarket.

"Are they dating or not?" The guy spoke "Find out on tween weekly TV," 

I threw the remote on the floor, Karla jumped. "Justin what do we do?" She whispered.

"What do you mean?" I said cofused, she didn't want to be seen dating me?

"I just...don't want so much rumors or hatred." She said, worried filled her eyes. "You know your fans."

"It's alright, if you don't want to go public, we won't." I tilted her chin and tickled her.  Normally It would make her laugh, not this time. 


The week went on slowly, everyday 6 am , rehersal. People would be taking pictures and asking questions about Karla. I would do my best and push them off. The paparazzis would stay till after our rehersal ended and bother us and annoy us. I hate paparazzi. They alway interfere with celebrities life and write fake reports. 

"Morning kids." Mom said one day, "Morning.." Karla mumbled, sitting up and waking me up as well. 

"I have some important news." Mom continued. I rubbed my temples. "What?"

"Since your sixteen now, Justin." Mom sat next to me. "I've decided to let you go on tour by yourself."

I gave you everything, Bieber. (Justin Bieber Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now