Leaving Atlanta..for The World

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 made a mistake no 7 page :( but there IS 4 ? :D 

Karla's eyes widened as she clapped her hand awkwardly. "Tour?"

Justin nodded, "This is so cool. We're going to visit the whole world. Well not the whole world..maybe a quarter?" She let Justin ramble on excitedly as she stood up and brushed sand off her thighs.

"It is cool." She smiled as she ruffled his goldlocks. "I'm so happy for you." She started collected her stuff and putting them back into her bag. It was almost dark now, they had spent the whole day in the beach.

"Scooter said we will do 86 shows in America and Canada then go on to worldwide." He continued to drone on and on. "We might even go to The Garden."

"I'll miss you" Karla hugged his waist. Justin was slightly a bit taler that her, although when they first met Karla was an inch taller. "Have fun travelling the world."

"Woah, now why would you be missing me?" Justin raised his eyebrows, shoting her a confused look. "Your coming with me."

"Really?" Her face instantly lit up. "And I thought I couldn't come."

"I'll just call Scooter and ask him tomorrow. I'm sure he'll say yes." Justin said as he walked to the ocean. "Let's have one last dip in the pool." He soaked his hair in the water. Karla found that incredibly sexy and slip in the water to.

"This is so relaxing." She closed her eyes and floated on the water. "But we have to go, your mom will get pissed."

Justin shrugged, "Fine.." He shook his hair like a wet dog and dried up. "Let's go babe." He gently caressed her cheeks as they biked back home.

"I'm going to take a shower first." Karla said as she slipped out of her swimwear and went in the shower. She quickly dried up and changed into shorts and a loose tshirt. Justin was asleep on the couch, still stinky (lol) from the sea. She sighed as she stared as he snoring.


She was the last one to wake up that morning, smelling pancakes from the kitched. "Mmm.." She smiled as she saw Justin whipping up pancakes.

"Want some?" He offered as he bit off the burnt little peice.

"Sure. Got maple syrup?" She smirked as she gobbled up the pancakes. "Your a good cook Justin. I didn't know that."

"Sadly, that's the only thing I know how to cook." He sighed. He was in boxers and shirtless, in front of the stove. Looking like a fool. But still very cute.

"I'll do the dishes, you go take a shower. You effing stink Biebs!" She laughed as he pushed him upstairs. She dried al the dishes and waited for Justin to come down. He was wearing a bean and a white tshirt with skinny jeans. And one earring?

"Since when did you have ears pierced?" She asked, between little sips of water.

"I've always had them." He smirked as he flopped down to watch tv.

"Sexy." She commented as she stared at the tv. "Justin, can I ask you something?" 

I gave you everything, Bieber. (Justin Bieber Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now