After I grabbed the food and checked that everything was there I headed back to Blue eyes. He had moved from where I left him. Now he was against the wall further down. He had tried to walk by him self but didn't get very far. His legs were propped up and his arms were on his stomach while he leaned against the wall. His face was facing down and his eyes were closed. I thought he had passed out again but when I leaded down and touched him he looked up at me. His big blue eyes were sad and lost like he was far away alone. He was frightened more then I realized.

The way he looked while getting beat up caught my attention. He wasn't able to fight anymore when I got there. They had tied him up and was about to kill him, it was a wonder that he wasn't frightened then but now his eyes were different. They made me want to help him. He looked miserable, no like he wanted to die. 

I looked away a second. I couldn't see him like that, it wasn't encouraging. When I looked back he was trying to get up again. No longer did he look weak and vulnerable, just determined. Quickly I wrapped his arm around my shoulders and together we got him up on his feet faster than the first time. We started walking again after I got the food situated around me in the satchel.

After a while of hobbling, Blues eyes started to drift to sleep on me. His exhaustion and pain was getting to him and the strain to walk wasn't helping. Each time his weight got heavier I knew he had started to drift. I would nudge him with my shoulder to keep him up. The sharp pain woke him up for a while. If he fell asleep I wouldn't be able to carry him. It was a two-person job keeping him up and walking.

We got closer and closer to my house. It was more like an abandon cottage I had found when I was abandoned. I thought it fit me. It was big enough to live in; it even had some necessities that were left behind from the previous owners. It had a fireplace in one room. When it got cold I would build a fire to stay warm. It would be just enough to keep the chill out. It had two rooms and a back room. I slept in the back room with the windows bench as a bed. It's more like an indent in the wall under window that enables someone to sit in it. 

The kitchen was connected to it so it was more like a side room. Next to that was the living room I didn't really use. A doorway without doors connects each room. The only door I had was the front door and one to my room that I never closed. Being close to the forest had its disadvantages so the front door was necessary. There were very few windows in the cottage so that was why I would sleep on the window bench. It helped me get up. It was a good place. It was small but homey and warm. It was also away from any people so I had privacy. It was a perfect place for me.

As we got closer it got harder to keep Blue eyes walking. It was a bit of a hill on the way up so a couple of times I had to catch Blue eyes after he tripped. Finally, we got to my door. I opened the door and basically dragged Blue eyes inside. He was getting very heavy. 

I placed him in my indented window bench. His height made it hard for me to get him inside. It was almost like I had to bend him in half and like a piece of wood. I was sure I was about to snap him in half.

As once as I got him through the opening I took off the fake side that extended farther inside the wall and I carefully laid him out. He rested his head on my pillow I 'borrowed' and before I knew it he was out.

I walked to the table, tore some bread off, and ate it. I was starving. My fight with the three guys had taken a lot out of me. More then I though it would. Carrying some one bigger after a fight easily worn me out. I was still surprised to find my self up after everything that happened. No food a lot of the time makes the body tire quicker. Surprisingly I wasn't, just hungry. 

That wasn't surprising though. I barley got two meals a day. With little food you're always hungry but you learn to live with it. I had to restrain myself from eating all the food. First I need to save some for tomorrow and secondly Blue eyes was going to need to eat something. He was beaten up worse then me. Hurt a lot more then me. He probably put up a fight before everything happened. That takes a lot out of you.

It was dark now and I didn't have anything to do. It was too late to do any chores. All I could do was go to bed. So that's what I did. I grabbed an extra blanket I obtained from one of the only houses by me. I set the blanket on the ground far away enough from Blues, yet not too far from him that I couldn't see him.

Before I lay down I went over to Blue to check up on him. He was asleep and had managed to kick the blankets on the ground. I picked them up and put them back on him. 

If I looked closely enough I could see that his right eye was starting to turn black, so much for not having a black eye. He also had a cut going diagonally by his cheek. Starting a little off from his nose it went down to the far side of his face. It was about two inches in length. His neck was cut and he had bruises everywhere. He didn't move until I started to leave.

He quietly said, "Thank you for everything," his eyes were still closed like he was sleep talking.

"It's fine just one question. What's your name?"

"William" that's all he said before he fell back to sleep.

"William." I said quietly to myself. 

I made myself comfortable on my makeshift bed. I took off my hat and let my hair come free. I felt good to be home even though there was a complete stranger in it.

I put my hands behind my head thinking, figuring out what to do with him. Late in the night I stayed up thinking about him. Nothing came to me even as Iclosed my eyes to concentrate. 

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