DAY 17:

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Words For Mikey: Day 17

Erroneous: containing error; mistaken; incorrect; wrong or straying from what is moral, decent, proper, etc.

I think what the others have chosen to do is erroneous in the fact that it is straying from what is moral, decent and proper. They have decided to kill another human, they have decided to kill you. I cannot think of something more wrong than that. They think that my way of allowing you to continue on life support is erroneous as it strays from what they believe is moral, decent and proper. But how is allowing someone to live wrong? Well, according to them it is only prolonging our suffering and your suffering. They somehow believe that you will die either way. I say fuck them. But one more thing is erroneous. Their plan. It was containing error. They did not account for one small person I now hold in the highest respect. They did not account for Lucy. And Michael, I think Lucy just saved your life.

I love you,


Nicotine could never replace Michael, but as Luke made his way through his third pack within 24 hours it was clear he was trying his best to make it. He puffed out smoke and breathed it in steadily watching the smoke slowly mix into the air around him, vaporizing itself. He wanted to vaporize with the smoke wanted to disappear from the world forever. But he was waiting for the call Ashton had promised via text. He was waiting to know that his reason for existing was gone before he left because he couldn't bear the thought of leaving Michael on this damned place alone. Smoke mixed with oxygen and thoughts of Michael mixed with thoughts of death, and Luke sat close enough to the edge of the rocks that water just reached the top of his toe and the spray tickled his cheeks gently.
There was silence except for the crashing of waves on some and birds calling to each other until the shrill ringing of Luke's phone cut through it putting an end to his trance.

"So it's done then?" Luke asked monotonously answering Ashton's call.

"Luke you need to get over here right now!"
Luke wasn't stupid he could sense something was wrong instantly.

"Why what happened?"

"We, we were going to do it, but something changed. You have to get down here and fix it now,"

"Fix? Ash what changed?"

"Lucy showed up Luke. That's what changed. I'll explain more when you get here. Hurry,"

Luke wants to say no. He wants to not go to the hospital and let them struggle with Lucy, because he doesn't want them to kill Michael. It would be killing himself a thousand times over before actually doing it. But Luke figures he's a dead man anyways at this points and he'd rather not deal with the consequences of not obeying.

Luke doesn't have a car so instead he starts sprinting to the nearest bus stop. When he gets there the bus is just driving off and Luke's curses under his breath before giving up on busses and just running the rest of the way to the hospital. Nearly twenty minutes later Luke can hardly breath at all but he's entering the foyer of the hospital. "Michael Clifford," he gasps to the attendant at the front desk.

"Same place as always Luke. I'd hurry if I were you,"

Luke nods his thanks and understanding and hurry's to the stairs not trusting the elevator. When he finds himself in the right place it's to see a frantic Calum trying to calm down a chaotic Ashton. Liz is trying desperately not to cry and Tatiana is on the lookout for him.

"Luke! Oh thank God you came!"

"What's going on?" Luke asked, beyond frustrated by this point.

"Lucy showed up here alone and locked herself in there with Michael when she found out what we were going to do. She won't let any of us in. We think she might let you in, and if she does that you can do it for us. We've all said goodbye already,"

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