"It's not like anybody's using them anyways," Luke defends.

"Look, I came more to see if you were alright. This stuff you've been writing isn't exactly joyful,"

"Well, unless you can find a way to save my comatose boyfriends life, then I believe you can leave," Luke knows he shouldn't be smart mouthing an officer, but hell, he doesn't care anymore. And even if he did, his mum always told him to be honest. Why change that now?

"Watch your mouth boy," The officer warns, "I'll let you go with a warning, but if I hear anything you'd better be ready to spend the night behind bars,"

Luke raises his eyebrows almost tauntingly and watches he officer walk back to his car, "Have a wonderful day sir!" Luke calls after him.

Luke knows he's fucked if that officer ever sees him doing something even slightly wrong, but instead of scaring him it makes everything seem more enticing. Like when you're young and your parents tell you not to do something. Suddenly it consumes your mind and it's all you can think about, and then you reach the point where you just can't resist any more even though you know you'll be getting shit for it later.

Luke finds himself sitting at a bar at quarter after ten in the morning wondering who would actually give a kid alcohol. And maybe Luke isn't really a kid anymore, but after finishing off his drink he's not really sure it matters.

He's definitely not drunk, but he can feel the buzz often described to him that comes with alcohol. And Luke likes it. Sure he can still remember Michael and the alcohol does nothing for his pain, but the warmth spreading through his chest thanks to the alcohol seems to make things seem a little less terrible.

He knows his little escape is done when a girl walks over to him dressed practically in nothing.

"What's a handsome boy like you doing drinking this early?" she asks biting her lip.

Luke wants to ask her why she's trying to seduce people half her age this early, he thought prostitution was more a night time thing. But his mum raised him too well for that sort of thing.

"What could you possibly be trying to forget?"

Maybe it's the alcohol but Luke actually responds, "You've got no idea,"

"I can help you forget, babe," she whispers clearly trying to be seductive.

Luke wants to laugh it in her face that he's gay, but he doesn't think that'll damper her attempt at getting in his pants.

"No thanks," he declines.

"You sure?" the girl bats her eyelashes at Luke and he nods.

"Yeah, I'm sure,"

"C'mon, babe. Loosen up. It'll feel so good," the girl insists. She's too close for comfort now and a Luke goes to back away he realizes with a jolt that he's stuck between her and a wall. Clearly seeing her opportunity the girl advances until her lips are on Luke's neck. And through the haze of the alcohol Luke knows this is so wrong, so without thinking of anything but Michael Luke pushes the girl off him.

"I said no!" he shouts. "My boyfriend is dying in the hospital, the last thing I'm going to do is fuck around with some girl when there's nothing he can do about it,"

Not only is the girl shocked, but the entire bar.

"Is this seriously what your life has come to? Seducing drunk, heart-broken guys just for a good fuck?" Luke laughs, "Well, you can go fuck somebody else, because I'm not buying,"

"Hey, hey man that's enough," some man said noticing the tears in the girl's eyes. "Chill out man," the man made the mistake of placing a hand on Luke's shoulder.

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