Chapter Forty Three.

Bắt đầu từ đầu

Everyone looked so confused by Tris's last statement.

"Who?" Four asked.

Tris didn't say anything. She glanced at me before looking at her hands in guilt.

"You better not be fucking with me, Stiff." Eric suddenly growled. "You better not be saying what I think you're saying."

Eric was crushing my hand now. My hand turning pale with the lack of blood flowing in it. Any harder and he'll be crushing my bones.

"Is this some joke?" Four asked.

"I don't get it, who is it?" Peter said.

"You prick, me." I snapped. "They want me back to where I came from, after they wipe my memory, of course."

Hearing my words struck a nerve in Eric. He stood up so quickly, I fell in Eric's vacant space. He stood over Tris, well tried to as Four was between them.

He hissed, "You sort this fucking problem out or I will." Without anything else, he stormed out and slamming the door behind him.

Peter let out a low whistle. "Woah, your boyfriend has soon serious anger issues."

"Shut the fuck up, Peter Pan."


Eric's POV.


I couldn't stop thinking about when Cassie and Tris stepped through the locked and guarded door, only to leave in complete tears and agony.

The piece of paper, which was a black and white picture, was crumpled on the table. I leaned to get a better look, to see it more clearly, but the handcuffs restrained me.

I fucking despise this place.

"You can never have an argument with either of them: they always win." Four spoke barely above a whisper, as if nervous to break the silence.

"And once again, I can tell you this whole thing wouldn't have happened if you'd listen. I told you that chic was trouble." I snapped. "Now look what's happened."

Pain and torture.

Neither of those could overweigh what I felt: failure.

I mean, Cassie is carrying my child, and I go off and suddenly the building's walls blow up, deaths occurred, and now someone she loves is in a coma.

Not to mention I almost killed her.

What the hell am I becoming? I'm supposed to be a father! Not killing people because some bitch lied and used us for what? Some death serum?

The silence stretched. Stretched far too long in such little time.

What am I?

A failure.


"You're free." A man leaned close- a bit too close for my liking, but he snapped of the handcuffs that bit into my skin. A thin red ring circled my wrists.

He went to Four. Unlocked his cuffs and stood up straight. He was as tall as me, but height doesn't do much intimidation when you are intimidating yourself.

"If either of you decide to cause anymore trouble, you won't be getting handcuffed in here, you'll have your memory wiped. No questions asked." He said as if he practiced them for days. Like for a play.

I shot the man a look. He squirmed uncomfortably, but not a lot to be noticed by his partner who stood by the door.

"No trouble. Got it." Four said and the man leaned over and plucked the picture.

I snapped and snatched it back. "This isn't yours to take." A corner had ripped off, but I still folded it neatly and slide it in my pocket.

Four lead the way out, and I followed right by his side. We turned corners and walked (well, Four walked, I stalked) down long corridors.

We came to the front entrance, where we came through on our first day here.

We're by the water fountain, where it once stood, half of it was gone. Water still flooded the floor around it, broken prices of rock still lay on the tiles. Blood smeared the floor.

One wall was missing to my right. Large chunks were scattered for metres away it used to be, and small chunks filled the tiny gaps between the big ones. A thin strip of material which was soaked in blood was crumpled to the floor.

"We did this." I murmured, pivoting on the balls of my feet. "We did the damage, we get the consequences." A failure.

"And there's nothing to fix the damage we caused. We will have to live with blood on our hands." I continue. Four just stares at a piece of rock. He picks it up, rolls it around his hand before dropping it on the floor again.

Four sighs. "I'm going to find Tris." He stalks off.

I stare at the blood soaked material, picking it up, I remember Cassie had taken hers off.



"You better not be fucking with me, Stiff." I hiss, glaring hard at Tris. "You better not be saying what I think you're saying."

Cassie squirmed as I held her hand tighter. She isn't leaving. She isn't leaving me. She isn't.

The Government could eat shit for all I care, Cassie isn't leaving.

All I saw was red. Hot, fiery red.

"They want me back where I came from. After wiping my memory, of course." Cassie snapped at Peter, who wasn't getting the picture anytime soon.

I snapped up right to my feet. I towered over Four, still glaring at Tris.

"You better sort this fucking problem out or I will." I was full of pure anger. So much anger could make one wrong move.

I won't be a failure.

And Cassie isn't leaving.

I've only just got her back.

Divergent, Eric: When She CameNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ