character q&a; ANSWERS

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here are the answers to a few of your questions! it's really bad, sorry. hope you enjoyed the book! thank you for all the votes and comments and that jazz. also, happy new year! 2016 woo. above is a photo of an outline i made that took an hour yikes lmao. please take a look at my new story, fire boy, and give me some feedback! thank you so much. i love you all very much.


Im_lukes_girl_ : were you made in a government lab?

i don't think so...?

Regan567 : will you marry me? or just be my best friend?

well, i can't marry you because i kind of have my eye on someone, but of course, we can be best friends :-)

NemoDaClownfishSushi : do you define yourself as a bread stick or a cheese stick?

are people calling me a bread stick and cheese stick again? my mum told me they'd stop doing that!

NemoDaClownfishSushi : when are you going to tell alexis about your affair...with michael?!

um, haha, next question, please!


Im_lukes_girl : did you ever just want to stick tour middle finger up at all the haters?

of course. nobody wants to seem weak and unable to cope with hate. there was just a lot, and in the heat of the moment, i wasn't thinking straight enough to handle it practically.

NemoDaClownfishSushi : do you ever want to have miniature bread sticks with luke?

i'm assuming that by bread sticks, you mean children, so in that case, yeah. who knows? there might already be some on the way ;)


NemoDaClownfishSushi : [for michael] WHAT ARE THESE FEELINGS I FEEL TOWARDS YOU?

i don't know but maybe i could help you sort them out ;)

NemoDaClownfishSushi : [for michael] but do you ship muke?

haha, erm, what's 'muke'?  i've never heard that term in my life

alexis's dad

Regan567 : who would you rather alexis date: luke or calum?

who's calum? i only know this luke kid, and he seems like trouble. i'd rather she just keep to herself and be less of a bother

NemoDaClownfishSushi : do you regret treating [alexis] the way you did?

oh, not at all! she deserved it, one-hundred percent

arzaylea (EW)

NemoDaClownfishSushi : what do you use in your hair?

i'm glad you asked! i used all-organic unicorn tears and my secrets to add volume and shine to my hair!

Regan567 : do you actually love luke?

haha, yeah, TOTALLY


Im_lukes_girl : do people know about your account?


NemoDaClownfishSushi : can you bake me a cake?

of course, i would love to give my best friend salmonella !!

chemicalumreashton : what's up?

thank you, past mackenzie, for this insightful question!! i am just writing this chapter at 3:16 am, because sleep is for the weak :)

hope you liked the book (and this crappy q&a). check out my new book! thank you, and i love you bunches!

xx mack

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