stuff goes down (and no, it's not mikey)

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alexis hadn't been on twitter for a few hours. she had sent out a tweet earlier, before school, but she had not checked to see her messages or notifications at all.

when she opened her laptop and logged onto twitter, she was surprised she had so many notifications; there were at least 20 news messages in her inbox, and she had a little over 100 mentions. her eyes widened and she scrolled through her notifications to read her mentions. one of them was from luke, saying "@AlexisInTheDark :-(". he must've read her tweet from earlier. she frowned a continued looking at her mentions.

@asaturatedsunrise: @AlexisInTheDark wasn't even a fucking fan wow

@brokenhomie: @AlexisInTheDark doesn't deserve luke, in all honesty

@calumsbabygirl: im about done with @AlexisInTheDark being friends with luke tbfh

@hopelesshalsey: wow @AlexisInTheDark hadn't even heard of 5sos before luke dmed her

@allylovesashton: @AlexisInTheDark can you name a 5sos song that isn't on sgfg??

@mikeys.punk_kitten: @AlexisInTheDark do you even know luke's middle name?

@atallblondeinaflannel: @AlexisInTheDark YOU'RE USING LUKE FOR FAME OH MY GOD

@loopylucas: @AlexisInTheDark: HAHAHA BACK TF UP

@calums.cutie.cathy: when @AlexisInTheDark totally isn't a fan but still talks to luke for his fame

she had about 2,000 followers before her tweet, and now she only had 451 followers; so many people unfollowed her. she didn't really care, but she couldn't not notice. she was friendly with most of them, and they just left.

alexis took a deep breath. why had so many people thought she was just using luke? he dmed her first. besides, she was friends with him; he was her only real friend, and she wouldn't throw that away.

she opened some of her direct messages.

@lolurnotashton: haha do you even know anything about 5sos?? you're so fake lmao

@mikeyisagod: u act like ur so perfect bc luke dmed u but ur just another "fan", if u can even be called that

@hemmingshemmingshemmings: how about u spend less time talking to luke and more time making up for the fact that u dont know a thing about 5sos huh?

@calpalchingchong: hahaha why dont u just kill urself already? its obvious that no one in the 5sosfam likes u

alexis choked back some tears. did someone really tell her to kill herself? they barely knew her. sure, she wasn't a fan before luke dmed her, but she still didn't think she deserved to be told to kill herself. almost every other direct message in her inbox consisted of people calling her a "slut" or "attention whore", and she could see that there was more coming in by the second. she decided to check if there were any indirects about the ordeal.

she saw a few, mostly from random people saying, "wow some bitch named alexis in using luke and getting away with it..this is not okay", "USING LUKE IS NOT OKAY", "why do people take advantage of 5sos's fame and success like??? dont???", and more. she even saw arzaylea, a girl who had been in the media lately for possibly dating luke, say something about it.

@arzaylea: there are some people out there who only befriend 5sos for their fame, even if they don't know anything about them, and they don't deserve it :/

alexis began to cry. she could no longer stop the tears from flowing freely. it was all too much for her. people hated her. iin the matter of a few hours, alexis had somehow managed to add thousands of new people to the long list of haters she had. there was insults and messages telling her to kill herself, and it had only been three or four hours since she checked twitter.

alexis was devastated that so many people hated her, and luke probably did, too. she didn't blame him or them, because they were right; she didn't even know who luke was before he dmed her, and she didn't have a clue about anything 5sos did before sounds good feels good came out.

she decided that dming him would be a bad idea, so she logged out of twitter, put her phone on 'do not disturb' mode, and shut the lights out. alexis uncomfortably fell asleep, with tears streaming down her face and her stomach aching in hunger.

alexis had gotten one final dm that she wouldn't check because she logged out of twitter.

@Luke5sos: we need to talk lexi ily please answer soon <3333


i made the fans so rude and im so so so sorry, i honestly had no intention of them being so rude (i elaborated for the purpose of a better storyline [that didnt happen tho lmao])

this is such a bad chapter

im so sorry

i wanted to update, because i've had this chapter and the next two written for a day or so and want to get them out there bc after i do this, you guys will get a glimpse at alexis' home life and stuff which is kinda important to me so i wanna share that asap

but im v v v sorry

about this chapter and novel in general

its so.. ehh


ty for reading tho

means a lot

this is the longest chapter


i won't be doing that ever again im sorry

but 900+ words

sorry my writing style is weird

and that i keep saying sorry

im sorry

oops i did it again

(cue impromptu britney spears impression)

(okay but there's a huge chance i didn't spell her name correctly whoopsie daisy)

much love for you tho

xx mack

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