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The Prophecy Of Death is now available!!!! Here's a sneak peek!!!!!!

A man coughing... exhaustion.... running...peddler on the floor dead...the curse.
The witches need to pay...
A witch in front of me...morphing head into tiger, wolf, bear and other fearsome animals.
"The baby's MINE!!!" It screeched.
A blinding flash of red and black light... A hole appears in the floor...zombie hands grab my ankles and pull me down...and then I'm free- falling, the sharp rocks zoom close... And then I hit them.
Pain. Shock. Agony. Death.

I wake up with a start. The sheets were tousled. A cold swear soaked my cloths and covered my skin.
It was a dream. I promise myself.
All a dream.
Then my door creaked open slowly and a candle light was in view. Then the outline of someone with a with a head changing from wolf to lion to bear to human...
"MINE!" It screamed and pounced


SNEAK PEEK OVER! Please check out The Prophecy of Death. Love y'all for reading and voting and commenting and complimenting and just being awesome! Bye!

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