Chapter 8

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It took me awhile to find Derrick and even longer than it should have if I hadn't been trying to be quiet and stealthy while lugging a bag of food and water. When I finally found him, he was in the guard common room and it was all I could do not to blush I burst through the door with them in a meeting.
" King sends for you." I said meeting Derricks gaze. His green eyes studied my blue ones and I knew he knew something was up.
He got up slowly, never breaking gaze with me and when he did to nodd at the captain, only briefly.
Once he was out and had shut the door, he grabbed my hand and walked with me to a flower vase. He touched around until he found a yellow sunflower, a little more shiny than the others and pulled. A door in the wall opened, and he pulled me, mouth wide open, into the dark.
When the mystery door slid shut, he put his hands on my shoulders and I knew he was looking straight in my eyes.
"What is going on and why do you have a sack full of food?" He said quickly. "In the meeting did they acuse you of something? Are you running away?"
"Well..." I launched into a full scale explanation, leaving nothing out. When I was done, he was pacing frantically.
"Crazy. This is crazy. this is treason Jam!" He said, gripping me by the shoulders and giving me a small shake.
"We may be disobeying the king, but we're obeying the princess." I said calmly.
"Who is a higher authority Jam? It's the King!" He said, shaking a bit harder now.
"Look I get it. It's dangerous. It's crazy. It might get us killed for treachery if we come back with a dead princess." He started to talk again, no doubt about us being killed not only if we come back with a dead princes, but I cut him off. "I told her it was a bad idea Rick. But you know her. She'd give her life for her people, and her parents and the whole of Ravensdusk. And if getting into Scots Prussia is the only way, I'm not going to let her wonder alone."
He sighed loudly. "I don't have a say in this?"
"No. Not at all. I'm going. I just want to know if your coming with."
He sighed again. "You know I'm not gonna let you wonder enemy territory alone."
"I won't be alone." I said stubbornly. I wanted this to be his choice alone. I mean, we could die on this trip. I didn't want him giving up his life just for me.
"Refrase then. No way in hell are you going without me by your side."
"Then lets go." I said heading for the entrance.
"Where are we to meet her?"
"Old wing. East."
"I can get their via this corridor. And fast."
"Okay," I swung the sack on my shoulder. "Lead the way."

We walked in silence. I was irritated with him a bit. So what if it was treason? Should I just ignore my best friend and my princess? I guess he did have a point though and he was being thoughtful and thinking things through. That didn't mean I had to like it.
The corridor was long and windy and vast, though at sometimes we had to squeeze through a crack or become deadly silent when we hear through the thin walls we were passing by a room.
When we finally reached the east wing, I was sweating with excitement, fear, and anxiety. Elaina was there passing back and forth. A brown book was under her arm. "Spell book." She explained when she caught me looking. "Figured we are gonna need it."
She nodded at Derrick. "Glad you could join us."
"Oh, I haven't joined you yet." He said. He looked in her eye firmly. "I want your word that me and Jam won't get any punishment whatsoever. No punishment for anything. Do you understand?"
"You have my word. " she said flexing her hand. "That all?"
"No. I want you to write it and sign it. Your word will mean nothing if you are dead and can't testify."
My face probably showed horror. "Derrick!" I snapped.
He looked at me, "I'm not letting you or me go on some dangerous quest and then as soon as we come back, our heads will be on spikes. No." He turned back to Elaina, who was a little amused. She flicked her hand and a scroll appeared in it. She unrolled it and scribbled her signature. Then she snapped her fingers and Derrick held a sack with a scroll inside. "Shall we go?" She asked Derrick mockingly. She turned to a crumbled wall and stretched her hands out in front of her. Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath she began.

Passage grant,
Oh dear warden,
Shortcut allow,
On my knees.
For I used to be strong,
Now I am weak.
Portal allow me travel,
To and thro from there to there.
And one day I will pay the debt.
You have given me such clear fluid,
A symbol that you care.
So let this passage be done,
So this travelers feet are no longer weary.

In response, a square of silvery lacey mist appeared. Elaina smiled at the portal proudly then turned to us.
"Now that is royal magic." She said proudly and smugly. She looked at Derrick. "Men first?"
"I'm a boy and it's ladies first." He said, annoyed. He nodded at me and stepped through. I watched at the  mist swallowed him. 
"You next." Elaina nodded at me. "I need to bring up the rear."
I nodded and walked shakily to the mist. Taking a deep breath, I walked through the silver.
*sorry everyone! I was meant to publish this yesterday but my data just finished. So you will probably be getting this chapter late. BUT DO NOT FEAR! To make it up to you guys, this weekend I'll give you guys TWO BONUS CHAPTERS!  So instead of you guys getting only getting two chapters this weekend you get FOUR! Sorry for the inconvenience! Thx for being patient!
The Mad, Insane, Crazy, Bizarre and really-sorry-for-the-inconvenience person
P.S. know that I might not have data this weekend, meaning I can't publish. However if that is the case, I will publish them as soon as I can.

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