Chapter 11

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I slowly looked up at Elaina. She hadn't been injured, but she was staring at me, mouth hanging open.
"What just happend?" We all said at the same time.
"I'll tell you what happend!" Shouted the bartender. He had been stabbed in his waist, blood coming out at a steady pace. "Your possessed! Your-"
In seconds, Elaina had him silenced.
"What happened?" I repeated ignoring the bartender's words. I didn't need to fear myself. I need to understand my new ability.
"Well," Derrick said, and he began, pouring into a full-scale explanation o the past ten minutes. Apparently, the first thug who charged me and I used the chair to protect actually had a rapier. I pulled the rapier out of the chair and began to fight amazingly, better than any royal guard in the palace, even the best trained. He said once I even plunged my sword into the ground and flipped, kicking a man in his windpipe and knocking him out cold. But I never killed anyone other than give them fatal wounds.
"I barely did any fighting and neither did Elaina. You practically did everything. We just had to cover you."
I stared at him firmly. "So howd you end up on the floor wirh my weapon on your throat?"
"Well, when I touched you to get you to stop, you flipped me over your shoulder and well landed me here. Though I'd rather not have to repeat this anytime soon, as you did it with barely no effort."
I slowly removed my rapier from his throat. I almost killed him I thought. I studied his face. He gave a lopsided grin, but I saw it in his eyes. He was scared. Scared I'd hurt him.
"Don't touch me when I'm fighting. Just call me. That's the only thing that works." I said to them firmly.
They both nodded and I helped Derrick up.
"We should scan the men. Take water, weapons, money, clothes." He gestured to the door "You dropped the sack."
So we went to work. Many of the man were to fatally wounded to talk, though they shot me daggers. One pirate asked me to retrieve his rum so he could have his final gulps. A bandit asked me to take his sword as a gift to such a mighty female warrior. I wasn't comfortable being called that. I didn't enjoy this. I didn't enjoy any of this. I didn't want to fight. I just had to. I suppose that does make me a warrior, I thought grumpily.
By the time we came together again, we had some grimy clothes that would not restrict our movements when fighting, a few coats in case it got cold, loads of alcoholic beverages, weapons including a hook, and tons of money, no doubt stolen.
I felt bad rummaging from the dead or injured, but we didn't really have a choice.
Elaina and I quickly changed into the trousers and attempting-to-be-white shirt. I had found a rapier holder to slip my rapier in. I tightened it in a belt loop, where I would have easy access.
"You know, you should really be a royal guard." Elaina said seriously.
"Yeah right." I said, sarcastically laughing.
"No seriously."
"A woman as a guard. Please. The men will feel insignificant, especially if I can flip them over my shoulder with little effort." I finished tying my hair in a tight ponytail and slipped the hood over my head.
"Well, that's a shame, because I would feel really safe with you by my side." She smiled at me. "Thank you for coming. Really." She said earnestly.
"What are friends for?" I smiled and gave her back a pat. "Let's go. We got to go to move."

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