Chapter 1

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I brushed the quill pen on my cheeks calmly, the ticklish feel making me think happily despite my insides turning to a goo. The anxiousness I felt was horrible. I wanted to write this letter while I had the chance. Before I lost my light.

It all began in early spring. I was in the palace gardens, a place where I, even as the princess' best friend, shouldn't be. I am a mere maid. And maids aren't meant to see such splendors as the garden, and smell the sweet honeybells, the blacktokens, and the sweet, sweet, moonsnow. No. The palace gardens of Ravensdusk where no place for me, Jameleena, a maid. I shouldn't have been there. But I guess in the end it was good I was.

Elaina, the princess, carried a book under the crook of her arm, skipping along the rows of fragrant flowers.
"Jamie! Let's climb the Snapple tree!" She said excitedly and ran off the baked sand path into the low hanging tree.
"Your majesty! If you are to climb that tree, I will be more than scolded! Please, I beg of you, come down before you break a limb!" I called, scampering toward Elaina, who was wobbling on a branch, her blue silk dress blowing in the breeze. She edged toward the end of the branch where a buddle of snapples waited to be plucked.
"Oh don't fear so, Jam. You know I won't fall, and if I do, I will insure you are not scolded. Besides, I would love some snapples while we read the book of prophecies!"

"But, your majesty, we should get some snapples from inside, where it is safe and there is no scolding or broken limbs." I said, emphasising words to make her understand.

She stopped tiptoing and looked at me. "You know what I think? I think your scared of finding out the future."

I fidgeted and that was enough for Elaina. "Well there is no need for fear! I asked Sir Richard and he promised me all of the prophecies have passed."

"But he never knew you where going to take the book!" I said, pointing it out. "That book is forbidden from our eyes. Only the elders should see it. And you will soon be future queen. They probably just told you that so you wouldn't take the book."

She looked at me again, perplexed. "So your saying you think that something in this book contains what may-no, will. we know this book never lies- happen during my rule?"

"Yes but-"
"Then I must know!" She dropped down flipping eagerly through the book.
Thanking God for my height, I reached up and held the book firm so Elaina could no longer turn.
"I think they told you this book had only past prophesies so you wouldn't be interested and leave the book alone. I don't think you are meant to see your future. You might read something that will corrupt your judgement while you rule."
"Well its too late. I'm already interested." She said, giving my hand a light pinch and flipping with gusto, completely forgetting my warning.
I sighed exasperated, and launch myself onto the branch beside her.

"Here it is!" Elaina squealed. She showed me a prophecy. At the top of the yellow old paper, written in a mixture of gold and black ink, it said "The Prophecy of Life".

I looked at Elaina doubtfully. " how do you-?"
"I feel it. I just know it. I'll read aloud if you want or are you still scared?" She shot me a mischievous smile as she teased.
Do I want to know the future? I wondered do I want to be constantly worrying over a future I can't change?
I wrung my hands. No. I didn't. I couldn't allow the stress to get to me. But what if the princess read something disturbing? Something that worried her deeply? And she wouldn't be able to tell anyone because she wasn't meant to read it And she can't tell me because I said I didn't want to hear.
My princess may be strong, bold and stubborn. But the worry may weaken her, make her frail. No. I had to be there for her if the words below where as scary as I thought they might.
"I'm listening." I whispered quietly.
She smiled a victories smile and began reading.

Two girls wonder into a garden alone,
Four rebels watch, waiting for the throne,
The two girls, ignorant as doves,
Continue reading a prophecy title above.

Fear clenched my heart. Four rebels? I mouth at Elaina. The gleam in her eyes had left. She nodded.
As a maid, one main thing they teach us is quick reactions and defense. So everything seemed to slow down and I could've stopped the massive rock flying if I'd been drunk. I caught it in mid-air and new instantly what was happening. We were under attack. And I had to protect the princess.

I just wanna say THANKS FOR READING! AND VOTING! AND CAKE IS DA STUFF! (where did that come from?)
This story ain't edited, but I'm going to when we hit the end. So lets surf on this ocean of words shall we?
Comment and vote pls!*
P.S. DreamsofReality, you were right about the bugs thing so I changed it to doves. Thanks for the suggestion. *hugs*

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