Chapter 12

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We walked quietly, sneaking through the dense forest. We had stopped to eat some bread and drink some rum. It was sort of nutmeg-gy and warmed us up. I understood why the pirate wanted a few sips of it in his dying moments. It was kinda nice. Maybe I could have some more...
I dug around in my bag before realizing what I was doing.
If I become a drunk, I'll blame it on Derrick. I thought. He was the one who said I should, saying it will heat me up. As if he felt me thinking about him he stopped so I could walk beside him.
"I was beginning to wonder if you were hanging back drinking more rum." He looked at me sideways and I acted offended.
"You know I'm not an alcoholic! You are insulting me right now."
A smile tugged at his lips but he kept his eyes glued on Elaina in a sort of accusing way. She walked in front of us, no doubt to give us privacy.
"I know she's pretty but you don't have to stare at her so long!" I said, playfully jabbing him in the ribs. He glanced at me.
"You know there's only one pretty person here."
I blushed slightly, went on my tip-toes and kissed him. Then he turned his attention back to Elaina.
"I have to watch her because I have a feeling she might get distracted-" He looked at me who had stopped a few steps behind him. Then he tensed as he heard it too.
"Elaina!" I yelled and as she turned I'd already plowed into her, knocking us both to the floor where we rolled down, off the road.
We scrambled behind a log, watching as soilders on stallions stopped right in front of us. I knew they hadn't seen us, and couldn't see us unless they were looking directly at us, since there was mud on our faces and our clothes. And aside from that, our clothes were blended in well too. Even the white on our shirts could no longer be called that. It looked absolutely horrifying.
"We should keep looking! The scouts of that cursed Ravensdusk couldn't have gone far. Keep looking and I don't care if you have to tie them with your horse's tail and drag them to the castle. We take 'em alive, alright?"
And with that they all raced off in their stallions.
"Damn it." Derrick cursed. "We should have moved those bodies. To think we left that place with so many clues that the enemy was here..." He sighed.
"I believe this is what it feels like to lose the element of surprise."
"And I believe this is what it feels to have such a righteous catch!"
A soilder had and arrow in a bow and was holding at all three of us.
"Your breathing gave you all away. It was as loud as an orchestra. Well to me anyway. I was right next to the log.
"I first I wasn't sure if I was hearing right after the hangover that had come with drinking so much yesterday with those buddies of mine you killed. But then I heard your breathing again. So I decided to double back. And I find who appears to be the princess of Ravensdusk and her entourage. Wow. I could get a raise and a promotion for this." He pushed the arrow head against Elaina's forhead. Right in the center. "Now get on the horse or I'll shoot an arrow right through your beloved princess' head."
I glanced at Derrick who looked like he was thinking. Hard. And he wasn't the only one.
"One." He pressed a little harder. I glanced behind him and saw a hooded figure. At first I thought maybe it was the fates. Or the grim reaper. Come to take Elaina's soul.
"Two." I saw the hooded figure come out of the shadows and realized he was a boy my age. And he held a very big log. He looked at me and nodded, getting ready to swing.
"Thre-" a loud thunk! followed and the Knight fell sideways. The teenager stood behind, still holding the log like he'd already swung.
I wrapped Elaina in a hug. She was shaking a bit.
"Who are you?" Derrick asked, eyeing the hooded boy up and down.
"Someone who just saved your princess' life. The name's Taeuna. Taeuna Jacob."

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