Chapter 10

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Perfect. Now we were surrounded by mucky dirty filthy smell-like-they-bath-in-poop criminals. I wondered why the soilders didn't just come and take all of them. I mean, taverns-well most of them anyway- where like, a fishing ground for the soldiers. I wished they would enter now.
"Take the princess to the king!" The bartender shouted. "We can all take her and share the handsome fee! And the others? Kill them!"
"With their heads!"shouted a pirate, lifting a mug of liquor into the air. He spat and had a huge black beard. Everyone roared his chant and charged for us. We all went back to back.
"Elaina can you conjure a weapon?" I yelled.
"No!" She shouted and a blast of white light sent people who were getting near her flying back.
"Jam! Just stay close okay?" Derrick ordered, parrying and attacking with his sword. He was the only one with one.
I grabbed a chair and used it to protect myself. A thug tried to stab me, but suddenly the chair was there. He tried to pull it out, but I jerked the chair back fast making him get a something similar to carpet burn.
Sword burn? I wondered then scolded myself for not paying attention as a dagger nearly scratched my face. But the weird thing was, the chair wasn't there to parry. A rapier was. Glimmering and beautiful. How-? I began to wonder, but then found myself parrying again. No time. A feeling had come over me. One mixed with adrenaline and urgency and-and strength. Power. I had no idea what was happening. Just that I was finding breaches in the opponents defense, completely knocking them down. Every sword that made contact with my rapier-every feeling, every tremble- gave me more of that strength-that power.
"Jam Stop!" Derrick yelled. Everything came back into focus. I was standing on a table. My rapier was on Derrick's throat. And he was lying on a load of moaning, injured criminals.

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