Chapter 16

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"No." The peddler didn't seem able to believe it. He looked at the blood for another moment, before he was coughing again.
"We need to go." Taeuna said, his voice hard.
"We can't just leave him here!" Elaina exclaimed, horrified.
"There's nothing we can do!" Derrick barked, grabbing my hand. Taeuna grabbed Elaina and we ran.
I shot a glance behind me, wanting the man to know I would not forget him, wanting to hold a piece of him in my mind. But the only thing I saw, was the peddler lying on the floor, a bloody hand near him, blood dripping out of his mouth, eyes glassy and focused on a point on the ground. Dead.
I looked away quickly, sped up my pace. I couldn't think about what he must have felt in his last moments. Sadness. Desperation. Loneliness as he realizes we were running from him. And urgency. Panick.
I had to make sure no one felt that way again. We had to get to that cure. And we wouldn't be able to do it, if we were dying from a curse.
When the tavern came into sight, none of us seemed to be able to stop running. We just kept on. Wanting to run everywhere, do things fast, wanting to hurry. We were Ravensdusk's last hope.
Finally my legs gave in. The adrenaline left me. My legs crumbled and I let go of Derrick's hand rolled downhill, landed in a stream. It was a gentle stream. Not carrying me away. Making me move slightly, but waking me up from my stupor. People were calling my name.
I sat up, looking at Derrick. He helped me stand in the shallow water, and we waded out.
Elaina sat on the bank, Taeuna by her side, both taking heaving breaths. I plopped down beside them lay down and breathed. I noticed Taeuna had dropped his sack. And the food sack I'd been holding had been dropped at some point. Brilliant.
"We're near..." Taeuna huffed. "the farm...just...a few more miles. We'll be there by...sundown."
"Ok. We should drink first. As much as we can. We need it for the journey." I was stunned Derrick was barely gasping. No doubt his guard training paid off.
As a reply to his command I thrust my head into the water and drank. And drank. And drank. I came up for air, saw the princess was doing the same as me, and resumed my animal-like drinking. Not very lady-like, but by the time I was finished, my belly was like a stash of water, or a water balloon. Lazily, I got to my feet and waded into the water. I wiped my skin of the muck that had been on if for a full day. Washed my hair. Elaina did the same. Then we crawled onto the opposite bank. The boys had taken to drinking but the drank filling their hands and washing their faces. I leaned against the tree and closed my eyes, resting. I felt Derrick shake me but I was too tired and lazy to open my eyes. But then he kissed me, and my eyes slowly opened. I smiled at him. "You're back."
"I was always here."
"No, guard Derrick was. Now it's the Derrick I love." I whispered, smiling faintly. He stared in my eyes a bit, his intense army-green eyes, and kissed me again.
"I love you Jam." Derrick whispered his forehead on mine.
"I love you too." I replied.
"We have to move. We can nap at the Farmer's house."
I sighed. I really just wanted to go to sleep and wake up on my straw bed in Ravensdusk, go and eat soppy oatmeal and water and start cleaning and looking after Elaina. Cheerful, happy, optimistic Elaina. The person she used to be.
I sighed again. "OK." Derrick lifted me up and kissed me again, a long meaningful one. And then we started on our way to the farm.
We arrived at the farm when it was sunset. Taeuna slipped behind us, saying if the farmer saw him, he'd kick us all out, or panic thinking that Taeuna was a witch come to kill him.
Elaina went behind Derrick, and Derrick behind me. I was the only one who looked like a Prussia man who no one would think to much of.
I knocked politely. A woman opened the door. She was plump and had a careworn face and her tummy was swelling. No doubt she was pregnant.
"Oh my dear! Are you okay child?"
I guessed I must have looked a sorry sight. "I'm mam I'm not okay. My brothers and sister are hungry and desperately need a place to stay."
She looked me with pity. She was about to say something when a voice from behind yelled, "Who is it Margaret?"
" A misdirected old chap. I'm just giving him directions."
"Well hurry up and get back to cooking! I'll turn to a fossil just waiting for you!"
"Well why don't you do it yourself, you big pile of sticks." She muttered, using a cuss word that I substituted for sticks.
She looked at me. "Go to the barn. I'll bring you some warm food in a bit! But you must leave early tomorrow morning, unless you want a mighty beating from my husband. Though I think one of you has already felt that."
She looked pointedly at Taeuna who had been peeping and cast his eyes down immediately.
"Thank you ma'm! Ever so much!" I said, evening giving her a bit of a hug, minding her baby bump though.
"No problem child. Now hurry! Off you go!" And she shut the door. We all went to the barn, which was covered in all over the floor. Various animals looked at us, then looked away and continued whatever they were doing. They made way for us, and we lay down on bales of golden hay that hadn't been peed on. I pulled of my boots-my wet squishy boots- and lay down on the hay closing my eyes. I started to doze but then a picture of the dead peddler came into my mind and I shot up. It was now very dark in the barn, not even moonlight. Derrick was next to me, his arm around my waist, and had woken when a shot up.
"Jam? Jam whats up?" I felt him move his hand to my shoulder rubbing up and down, trying to comfort me.
"The peddler..." I whispered. That was enough for Derrick. He wrapped his arms around me, kissed my hairline.
"He's okay now." He whispered in my ear, holding me.
This was the Derrick I preferred. The one who comforted. Not the cold guard.
He held me a little longer than pulled away slightly. "The farmer's wife brought bread and cheese. I saved you your portion." He fiddled around then gave me some bread in my hand and cheese in the other. I nibbled at first, then realizing my hunger devoured the rest. When I was done, I lay down again and felt Derrick pat my shoulder. His breath caressed my forehead.
"Derrick?" I whispered.
"Yeah?" He didn't sound like he was dozing. He sounded like he was thinking.
"Thanks for coming with me. With us."
He kissed me gently. "I'd never let you go alone. You know that."
I nodded. "I do."
He continued patting my shoulder, and soon I was fast asleep. I don't know how Derrick did it, but he always managed to calm me down. And right now I needed that. Because I knew the next morning, in a few hours we'd be in the Lost Land.

*what happens next?! Wait till Monday >:-)
Also starting from tomorrow the break down will be happening meaning every 2 days a chapter will be published.
>:-) Y'all remember? Patience is a virtue. Mwahahaha!

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