Chapter 2

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I wrapped my arm around Elaina quickly, a pathetic effort at protecting her, and jumped down onto the soft dew-y grass. Elaina clutched the book tightly as we made a beeline for the glass doors that led to protection.

Annoyingly, we'd wondered too deep into the garden. The palace guards that where always at the door where there, but no way could they see what was happening about 1 kilometer into the garden with all the greenery in the way. Plus this was a windy path. You wouldn't be able to see someone a few yards away. But they would be able to hear us. Maybe.
"REBELS!" I hollered, just as a big chunk of rock almost hit elaina's head. I heard nothing other than the pounding of blood in my ears. They hadn't heard me!

"HELP!" My voice was more winded now so it didn't come out very loud.

I should have taken those working out lessons more seriously. I thought, remembering always begging elaina to tell my trainers she needed me
But now is no time for that. I had to guard the princess until we reached the doors.
Remember, Captain Sedrick's voice ordered in my ears, no one intends to hurt a scullery maid. They intend to hurt the royal family. So no matter who you are, Mrs. Poop or Mr Pee, put the royal family first. Protect them with your life.

So what do I do? I asked myself. What should I do?

I studied the distance from us to the guards. About 1 kilometer. I turned and saw one rebel, wearing peasant clothes, with grimy skin, crooked teeth and an impossibly tangled moustache, lug another rock toward us. Quickly, I let go of elaina, and caught the rock mid-air. The rest of the momentum went into my hand and with the rock being a sharp one,my hand was in agony, but I tightened my grip biting down on my lower lip to hold it together. We'd trained for this.

Never stop protecting the royals. Captain Sedrick had barked. Never.

Elaina looked back at me, slowing down. She looked scared but still bold.

"RUN!" I yelled. "JUST RUN! I'll meet you at there!)"

Elaina held on for one more second, wanting to argue but I gave her a push and she ran.

Before I could decide whether I should have left her alone, the rebel was upon me. He tried to get past but I slammed the rock hard on his head and he crumpled. I glanced back from where we came from and saw the rebels still coming, two now. They both were rugged and unkept and if it was possible, there eyes were red with fury.
"I'll get the piece of dirt over there and deal with her! No one touches my brother! You take the princess!"
One of them barked, big and burly. I felt my knees tremble. He could flatten me like a pancake. The other, thin, ran with stealth and seemed to be younger.

The bigger one charged at me like a bull and I was about to turn and flee....but I had to hold them off. The princess had to get to safety.
The younger and stealthier rebel hung back and I knew what he was doing. He wanted the big one to take me down and then he could bolt pass. But I couldn't allow that.

Just before the big oaf knocked me down, i flung the rock to his head. I had to try to stop him even if I might be pumeled more. Anything for the princess. I wanted to see if I had suceeded but just as the rock flew from my hands, the oaf knocked me down.

The air flew out of me, and the pain in the back of my head felt like the worst headache ever known. I struggled to take a breath but just as some air began go enter me, the oaf sat right on my ribcage. He grabbed my plaits and pulled me up and hissed in my ear.
"It's gonna be a looonnng time before someone rescues you pet. Because the fourth rebel? Yha he is the worst of us all." He shoved his fingers up my nose and the pain exploded. I struggled, tried to wiggle out from under him, but I could not. He seemed to weigh about 10 elephants.
My ribcage and nostrils screamed uncle as he pressed himself harder on my chest and shoved his fingers up my nose with more force, and I began to feel the blood trickling down my nose. I wiggled more and more but I couldn't move if my life depended on it....which i suppose, it did. I tried to melt into the pain, telling myself it was just nerves warning the brain what's happening. That's all it was. nerves. But another wave comes and I feel worse. Just when I thought I was about to faint, he pulled back. My noes felt horrible and the soreness was unbearable.
"Was that painful?" He said, probably seeing the pain in my eyes, the tears threatening to come out. "By the time I'm finished with you, you will be immune to pain."

I swallowed, terrified and he brought his fist back to deliver a blow. I closed my eyes. And waited.
And waited.
And waited.
Nothing. I opened my eyes and saw the man.... But he wasn't man anymore. He was yellow. Yellow like sand. Yellow like the path. I stared at the man that used to be tormenting me, my mouth open slightly. He was sand.

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