Chapter 7

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The Prophecy Keeper broke the silence. "It is a grave Prophecy."
The king looked at Sir Richard, "are you sure this is the Prophecy?"
"It appears so. The messenger that is a witch? He was just here in the palace. Any one of us here could be affected."
As if in answer the Queen who had been silent and was sipping some tea began coughing horrendously. She held her hand to get mouth.
"My wife?" The king asked, looking at queen, worry crowding his features.
Her coughing fit continued, and with each cough her face became paler. She brought her hand away from her mouth and red blood was all over it.
"Oh no..." I heard several whisper.
"Someone call a doctor!" Yelled the king. A maid scampered off.
"Mother!" Elaina rushed to the other side of the table clutching her mums clean hand.
"Stay...away from me!" She managed to say shoving her daughter and her husband away
Doctors rushed in with a stretcher and protective magical orbs around themselves. Though if this was a magical curse, then no doubt it could reach right at them. The protection spell was useless.
They laid the coughing queen gently on the stretcher, felt her pulse, checked everything.
"Is she okay?" The King whispered, stroking her forehead. To see him crumbling like this scared me. The Queen was the person the king drew his strength from, and once she died, or was in danger he appeared to crumble. The look on his face told it all. He was one string a way from snapping.
"She will get better." The doctor murmured. And they whisked her away quickly. No doubt they didn't want to lie anymore.
Everyone was quiet. The king stumbled back into his seat and I realized just how human he was. The princess pale as she was, whispered some words in his ear. I caught some like strength....Prophecy....only way to survive.
After awhile, they King's face became stronger and his I'm-in-charge vibe became stronger. I was pretty relieved. I reached for Elaina's hand and squeezed. She smiled faintly at me.
The king looked at Sir Richard who had been standing of to the side. "What have you learned about this Prophecy?"
"Well," he slipped on some glasses, "the first part...." He studied the book.
"When war stands bold and tall/when a vengeful heart gains a title." The king prompted.
"yes I believe that means when the king of Scots Prussia declares war and it is a inevitable threat." People shot Sir Richard irritated looks but he seemed indifferent.
"But we were finding ways of fixing it. We were-" the princess started.
"He's vengeful." I whispered.
Everyone looks at me.
"What?" The King asked. I looked at him. I fidgeted a big under his stare and Elaina gave my hand a reassuring pat.
" states he's vengeful. And later it says that there was a spark. Something that sparked his anger. Or maybe someone?"
Everyone stared at me, vaguely interested in what the filthy maid had to say. It irritated me.
"Continue," Sir Richard said, actually smiling at me. "You may be on to something." Elaina gave me a reassuring nod.
Because of them. I thought.
"May I have your book?" I asked. He handed it to me and I looked at it.
"Well....the first stanza...we already understand the two first lines. They aren't necessarily in order though. That might mean the rest isn't either..." I traced my finger down to the line below the first two. "When life is in a cradle..." I looked at Elaina for support.
"A cradle is where we put our young. Maybe they are talking about a child?" She guessed.
"No." Said Sir Richard. "A cradle is like a prison for the young so they won't get into any danger or wonder. However it is a fun and dreamy one."
"In that case," an advisor joined in.
"It could mean a safe haven of some sort. Ravensdusk's first people retreated here during the magical war."
"So the cradle...." Elaina thought aloud.
"Is Ravensdusk." The King announced.
"We all know what the last line means." The King sighed.
Elaina gave her father's hand a comforting squeeze.
"We understand the next three lines." I said, not wanting to talk about the illness much. "And then 3 teenagers."
"Well I know I'm going." Elaina announced. The King looked appalled. "No. No Elaina." He said firmly.
"But Father-" She started.
"No!" He yelled slamming his fist on the table. "You will stay here in the palace, where the despicable king can't reach you!"
Silence. Tension. Quiet.
"So...." The King said, taking a deep breath and slowly sitting in his seat. "Do we have any teenage guards?"
Elaina, got up, grabbed my arm and began to walk away. Quickly bowing to the king, I picked up my skirts and raced after her. My cheeks heating up at an alarming rate.
When we reached the bedroom, Elaina shot into her wardrobe. A minute later she came out, dressed in a brown dress with sequins and a white shawl.
"Elaina where-"
"Here." She tossed a sack at me. "Go get supplies. We will need them."
"Your Majesty-" I began.
"You may bring Derrick." She said as she combed her hair. "He may be punished when they realize we are gone."
"ELAINA!" I yelled, stomping my foot. She looked at me, a little surprised. "What?"
"This isn't like you! To disobey your father so badly! He can't lose you, with his wife suffering from an unknown-"
"I will suffer too!" She cried. She looked at me. "I can't sit here and do nothing why'll my mother may be breathing her last breaths! And besides, if a virus is falling on Ravensdusk, I should not be here! I am the crown princess! If I die, the whole royal family is in jeopardy! I have to pay my duty to my people. I have to save them! And I need you, as my best friend, to come with me. Follow me. Be there for me. Please." She looked in my eyes earnestly. Begging me.
"Fine." I sighed. "But we can't just leave."
"Leave that up to me. Just get Derrick, some supplies, and meet me in the old east wing."
"The crumbled one? What are we gonna do there?"
She smiled smugly, looked into the mirror. "It's time for magic."

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