Chapter 6

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The Prophecy keeper coughed and began:

When war stands bold and tall,
When a vengeful heart gains a title,
When life is in a cradle,
The virus shall fall.

Sent in by a messenger,
A witch, a danger,
The whole town falls,
And it is up to three teenagers.

The three enter the lions den,
Looking for the cure,
The curse of Ravensdusk,
Will it bring your end?

Will the lion get his spark?
Will the lion get his laugh?
Will we all fall in slumber?
Deep down under.

Our fate lies in her hands.
The dragon still stands.
The spark shall choose.
Whether we shall live, or whether we shall loose.

And with that, everyone went quiet.

*Sorry I know this was short. My battery is low and I can't charge so I will continue and add another chapter later. Sorry!

I want to give a shout out to several people: Tookish_Author for being super loyal, JoshieHouessou for helping me with my mistakes and being my first follower, Friendly_Follower for giving me AWESOME book covers (I'll use both) and everyone else who voted and has just been ever so loyal. and all my new followers. EVERYONE THANK U *HUGS*

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