What's the Fourth Wall?

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     Sean sat in the living room. Boredom written all over his face. He turned on the TV. News reports, scandals, the weather, documentaries, scandals, commercials, scandals and of course, scandals. Sean could feel how the TV was melting his brain. What happened to modern day entertainment? He thought, flipping from channel to channel. Just when he was about to give up and turn off the TV, he found something different. On this channel, a man read from a book. Now this is newsflash!

'And the man watched curiously the channel, with his hope for culture relight. "A book is much better than a movie," he thought," as the latter is often too pretentious, too rich in special effects and stunt doubles – not to mention that most of the best movies are inspired from outstanding real life events or books; books do that too! But they have more dignity. You'll never hear of a book inspired after a movie. No. It is never to happen. And the poor actors must take leaps of faith for every small role they audition to. A courier here, a housemaid there and slowly a cloth of experience is weaved. It also helps if you're a relative to an already famous actor as they can recommend you. What an awful ordeal! Perhaps we would be better off without movies." This and more thought the man as he watched his TV in the living room, passively listening to the sounds coming from it. Sea-'

   Sean turned off the TV. Who wrote this script? What was the writer thinking? I bet I can do a better job. I'm an actual writer that writes actual consistent content for my readers! He thought, tapping the remote control on the sofa. People should stop watching TV and start reading. In fact, I always think of reading mystery novels whenever my eyes fall on a few lines every now and then. I might write one myself. Perhaps about a host that invites people to a masquerade. One of the guests, wanting to announce his departure, discovers the host stabbed, laying in a pool of blood and water. No one will guess who did it!    

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