Taylor's heart was racing hearing Karlie's open confession; this girl was just too cute. It was nice to hear that Karlie felt the same way she had felt all day. All the stressing she had been doing earlier was for nothing. Karlie was caught up at work and she called her like she said she would. Taylor found herself smiling as she listened to Karlie ramble more apologies though the phone.

"Karlie." Taylor says softly, trying to catch the rambling girl's attention.

"Hmm?" the girl hums in acknowledgement.

Taylor pauses a moment, feeling completely overwhelmed by Karlie's adorable nature. "I'm glad you called." She says softly, hoping Karlie knows just how much she means it.

The line is silent for a moment, both girls enjoying the happiness from this late call. "I'm glad you answered." Karlie replies just as softly. "Although I'm still sorry I woke you up."

Taylor just shook her head, deciding to change the subject. "How was work? I hope I didn't get you into trouble for talking to me earlier."

Karlie lets out a laugh, making Taylor's heart soar. "Nah. Everything was fine. The show went well. I'm just glad I'm finally out of those clothes. Sometimes I just don't understand fashion. I swear some designers purposely make the strangest outfits they can just so people will talk about their clothes."

"That would honestly not surprise me in the least." Taylor replies drily, amused hearing a model talk about the crazy side of fashion. "But everything went ok? I heard a lot of people yelling your name. Are you sure I didn't cause any problems?"

"Taylor, relax. You were totally fine. They can yell my name and throw a fit all they want, but when it comes down to it, it's all very simple." Karlie says seriously.

"What is?" Taylor questions, unsure what Karlie was trying to say.

"I'm Karlie Kloss and I do what I want." Karlie replies smugly.

Taylor burst out laughing over the phone, causing Karlie to break and laugh herself. "Wow Kloss. Who knew you were so full of yourself?"

Karlie smirked through the phone, lightly scoffing. "What can I say; it comes with the territory of being a model. It's my job to be confident and full of myself."

Taylor laughed on the other end, amused by Karlie's humor. "Mmm." She hummed, shaking her head as she adjusted her pillows behind her, propping herself up a bit more. "Keep telling yourself that Kloss."

Both girls were smiling at the ridiculousness of their current conversation. Their endless banter came so easily to both of them. It seemed surprising at first glance; being able to communicate so openly and easily with someone you barely know. But that's what was so special about it. They could talk about absolutely nothing, but it still felt like the best conversation they had ever had.

Everything was just so easy. It was definitely something they had both come to appreciate, knowing they had been in relationships before where this kind of interaction was like pulling teeth. It made them appreciate the little things that much more.

"So, how was your day?" Karlie asks after a brief comfortable silence.

"Oh, um." Taylor stumbled a bit, not wanting to reveal she basically spent the day moping around her apartment, wondering if Karlie was ever going to talk to her again. "It was... long." She says evasively; not knowing just how to answer the question.

"Oh, were you really busy today?" Karlie questions curiously, genuinely wondering how Taylor's day was.

"Um, not exactly. It was just one of those days that kind of seemed to drag on forever." Taylor replies, finding herself much more awake than she had been at the start of this phone call.

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