Siting up was difficult. I had a terrible pain behind my head. Was I beaten down again? Three times could not really be good on one day.

All if it is still the same day. Our mission had been at night and in the meantime I had been unconscious three times. I had no sense of time anymore.

The door opened and I forced myself to sit straight. In spite of the fatigue and pain. I expected the Inquisitor, but it was Maia.

That was also wrong. The person took his hood off and his brown hair appeared. He wiped away a lock of hair that hung before his eyes. There was something different about his eyes. They were of a darker green, more obscure.

"Hello Bridger." He greeted me like he always did.

"Dai." I said. There was a hard tone in my voice.

I was the first one to said something again. "I thought you had nothing to do with here this. Except that you had fallen into the trap just like I did."

"That was true, but the Inquisitor has shown me something."

"And it should be?" Is asked sarcastically.

"That they are not the bad ones."

Okay so they just brainwashed Dai.

"Yes, and then I'm the bad guy. The one who sits chained and likely to be tortured because I refuse to say anything?" I still got my sarcasm.

It had been pure sarcasm. Yet Dai replied. "Right."

I was really amazed. This wasn't the Dai I remembered. The one who always wanted to be better than him.

"And I was tired of always standing in your shadow." Ah, there it was again.

"Maia looked up at you and not at her big brother. You always had to be the best in everything and then when she fell in love with you. "

"Wow what love?" I interrupted him. Maia had him really liked? But really really?

"You didn't know and it broke her heart. Yet you were still God for her. "

"Dai is it really the time to discuss this. Otherwise, once again, talk about that the Inquisitor and the bucket heads are good. I found that very interesting. "

I sat cross-legged as well it got with those stupid chains. And pretended I was full of interest. I just tried to make Dai a bit annoyed. And that seemed to work.

"Ezra," he sighed. Now he really had my attention. Something in the tone of his voice was not right to me. "When we lived with the three of us on the street, no one was looking at us. We always bullied the Empire, but the citizens of Lothal also hated us. They even betrayed us for some credits. "

Here I had nothing to say. It was true. A time a man had recognized me and beaten me down. The next morning I woke up in a cell. Ten minutes later, I had already escaped. The surveillance of an eleven year-old was not really super. But still ... maybe Dai had a point.

What was I thinking now. I could have hit myself on the head. "The empire were the reason that we had to live on the streets. Our parents..."

"Your parents" he interrupted. "My mother died when Jonathan was born and my father was killed by a beggar. This hasn't to do anything with the empire. "

He had me again. Aa! Why could not I find anything here. Dai had worked him into a corner. Dai's parents and brother were not a so pleasant history. It was surprising that Dai brought it up.

"And what happened to your parents is simply their own fault. They did not have to get up to the glorious Empire." Went on Dai.

Glorious? Seriously? Dai had just used the word glorious for the Empire.

Then I did something that would had make him angry. But I didn't got the chance to do it.

Dai's com made some noise. "Come down to my office."

"It was a pleasant conversation, Bridger. I hope you make the right choice. Because despite all of this, you are still a friend of mine and I wouldn't like to kill you."

Dai turned and walked out of the cell. He left me alone with my thoughts.


A happy new year to you all

for those who stayed at home with friends/ family or going out for dinner: a pleasant evening with the one you love

for those who go away: PARTY LIKE CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!! (It's my first time with new year that I go away, whoehoe I'm so excited!!!)

Star Wars Rebels Fan-fiction: Old friends?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن