The Ultimate Games - Day 5 (Afternoon)

Start from the beginning

I wasn't really sure what I'm fighting for anymore. Hope was gone. Mike was gone. Eddie was gone. Simon was gone.

Everyone was gone.

Misty wasn't bad company, but she wasn't them. She wasn't Hope, Mike, Simon or Eddie.

I had a family back home, yes. But other people were fighting for more than that. I just wasn't sure if I was worth it.

Daphne Floyd POV

Sam visited me in my dreams again.

It was the same as always. Reminding me of everything that happened last year. That it was all my fault. I feared this would drive me insane.

I killed him. I killed my best friend.

I had to get out. I had to win. For him.

Arwin Yates POV

Benji's gone. Shane's gone. Eve's gone. It seemed like everyone was slipping from between my fingers. My stomach churned as Fern's face appears in my mind.

She killed him.

But I couldn't bring myself to hate her. I couldn't.

No matter how much I wanted to.

Universal POV

"Hello, tributes!" the voice of Dravius Flamingboul echoed through the arena, slashing through the eerie silence that had fallen moments earlier.

"Now, it seems many of you are not willing to cooperate with our plan," he said, "What a shame. Well, this has forced us to take matters into our own hands."

The ground began to rumble. Then, the world watched in shock as the outskirts of the arena began to crumble into nothingness.

"Get ready to run."

Camille Garza POV


Arwin grabbed me by the back of my collar, dragging me back and away from the rapidly approaching abyss. I turned and slapped her hand off my collar, then grabbed her by the wrist and sprinted as fast as I dared. Arwin ran beside me, her breathing labored as she gripped her bow tightly. I held my fighting staff, the end of which had my dagger bound to it with copious amounts of rope. I wouldn't have time to switch weapons at the feast. I had to use both.

"Crap!" Arwin shouted. She stumbled over her feet and I quickly doubled back, grabbing her again by the arm and practically dragging her along behind me. Arwin managed to stumble back to her feet, gasping in pain as a stray branch split open a wound along her calf.

"How far from the cornucopia are we?" Arwin gasped out.

"Shit, hell if I know," I yelled back. My voice was drowned out by the roaring of crumbling earth around us. The forest around us split open into a large clearing, and my heart began to beat even faster.

"I think we're here," I said, slowing down. I turned around. The earth had stopped crumbling behind us. About 40 or so metres ahead was the cornucopia. I couldn't see anyone else.

Were we the first ones here?

I stepped closer to the edge, nudging a piece at the edge with a skeptical look on my face. It broke off and fell into the abyss below.

I glanced over at Arwin. She pulled an arrow from her quiver and loaded her bow, keeping her eyes peeled, and for a moment I debated killing her. It would heighten my odds, that was sure. She was one of the only long ranged fighters left, and I was sure that in close range I could beat most of the others. I gripped my fighting staff tighter, suddenly becoming increasingly aware of the fact of just how close I was to Arwin. How the tip of the knife was pointed towards her.

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