The Ultimate Games - Day 2 (Morning)

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"Red really isn't your colour," I responded dryly. Xenia guffawed. Aria's lips pressed together in a thin line.

"Fine, you want to be like that?" Aria snapped. She reached down and scooped up one of the packs, throwing it over her shoulders and then picking up her chakram, "Be that way then. But just know that I'll remember this, bitch." And with that, she turned and marched into the trees, turning her nose up haughtily.

"Great," Xenia growled, "Bitch took my sleeping bag."

"You don't think she's gonna go camping off by herself, do you?" Alejandro asked. I shook my head.

"She's annoying, but she isn't stupid," I answered, "She knows we have the bulk of the supplies."

"Why don't we just kill her?" Xenia growled, "All she's doing is being a prissy bitch with a stick up her ass, she isn't helping at all."

"Not now," I answered, kicking at the dirt, "Not yet."

Xenia cocked an eyebrow, "Sounds like you have a plan."

"That I do. And it involves your death. Don't test me, Hale."

Xenia stepped back, looking annoyed at me. I didn't really take notice, I didn't really care. They would all have to die eventually. I was just being upfront about it.

"Well, I'm going hunting," Alejandro said, rising to his feet. I frowned.

"For food? We have plenty."

"No," Alejandro shrugged, an evil grin on his face, "For tributes."

Aria Reed POV

I hate her so much.

I stomped through the trees, clutching my chakram so tightly the blade began to dig into the flesh of my hand.

I want her dead.

I angrily swiped at a tree branch as it loomed in front of my face. It reeled and then snapped back behind me, making a cracking noise in the air.

I will kill them all.

Rage was bubbling in my chest. How dare she? How dare she speak of my family in the way she did? How did she even know those things? I hadn't even told Honour about my mother. I had never told anyone. The shame of it was too great.

Kill them.

I reached the cliff edge, watching the river gurgle and bubble as it tipped over the cliff into a waterfall. Maybe tonight I would drug Xenia and put her in the river, let her float over the edge and crash onto the rocks. God, it would be so easy. So damn easy to end her life there and then.

But then again, I would have Alejandro on my tail. I didn't want that. Although I would rather saw off my own hand than admit it, he scared me more than Xenia. Him and Valentina were honestly terrifying to me, and if they were after me then I doubted I would live long.

I grumbled under my breath, pulling the pack I had taken off of my shoulder. I zipped it open, beginning to rummage through it, and pulled out a sleeping bag.

"Let's see if Xenia will get a good night's rest now," I murmured. I pulled the backpack back on my shoulders, then turned towards the cliff edge, looking at out the arena.

Then, I tightened my grip on the sleeping bag strap and, without a moment's hesitation, hurled it off the cliff edge. I pattered over to the edge, watching as the pack splashed in the bottom of the waterfall, sinking further into the blue and out of my sight.


Arwin Yates

"How much longer do we need to walk?" Benji coughed out.

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