The Ultimate Games - Day 1

Start from the beginning

The first death.

I felt sweat immediately bead up on my brow. I turned away from the gruesome sight and pushed my legs to run harder, my eyes trained on a pack of daggers sitting atop a crate. I ran past and snatched them up, then dove into the Cornucopia.

Thankfully, many people were battling it out outside the golden horn, and I took this to my advantage. I grabbed a sword resting against the wall and also grabbed a set of small twin axes. I had enough. I turned and ran out of the Cornucopia, catching a glimpse of dark blonde hair as Dianna dove for a backpack, two already strapped on her back. At the same time, Misty Wolfe dove for the same pack. Dianna shrieked and kicked Misty in the face, sending the older girl sprawling backwards across the ground. Dianna ripped the pack from her hands and then whirled around to face me, her eyes wide and clutching the bag like a teddy bear.

"Where's Thomas?" she shouted. I looked around wildly, but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Go!" I shouted, shoving the pack of knives at Dianna's chest, "I'll find him, run towards that mountain over there and stop at the first water source. Don't deviate from that path, don't hesitate to kill anyone if they come near you. Now GO!"

Dianna nodded sharply and then turned, dashing from the scene. I turned away, looking around blindly for Thomas. My eyes fell upon Fern Steel and Honour Gilligan taking swings at eachother with a sword, both of them with angry looks in their eyes. Honour screamed as Fern opened up a wound along her arm, making the younger girl dart backward slightly, her eyes narrowed into a steady glare. Honour swung her sword forward, knocking Fern's completely out of her grip. I watched as Fern staggered back, falling to the ground and staring up at Honour with wide eyes.

I couldn't sit by and watch this happen.

I ran forward, axes at the ready and the sword strapped across my back. I swung the first axe towards Honour, slicing open the side of her stomach and making her scream in utter pain. She whirled around to face me, her attention diverted from Fern.

"Run!" I screamed at Fern, dodging Honour's attacks, "Fucking run!"

Fern staggered to her feet and grabbed her sword again, but instead of running, she ran forward and towards Honour and, in a flash, skewered her sword through the girls stomach. Honour roared, dropping her weapons to the floor. She dove towards me, teeth bared, and my heart jumped in fear. God no. I couldn't go out like this.

Then, all of a sudden, a flash of light skin and dark hair zipped in front of me, and then Honour was gone, her screams sounding from my right. Fern ran, dashing towards Arwin, who was wrestling with Nick Ericson. My attention was brought back to Honiur by her cries of pain, and what my eyes fell upon made my stomach turn.

Thomas was standing above Honour, holding her by the collar of her shirt, screaming at her. I jogged forward, my eyes wide.

"Please, let me go, please," Honour was in tears now, and I cocked my head to the side. Here was a strong career, cunning and malicious, and here she was begging for her life. It was a curious thing.

All of a sudden, Thomas grabbed Honour by the back of the head and, in an instant, slammed her head against the cornucopia wall.

I screamed in shock and stumbled back, wanting to look away but being unable to, my eyes glued to the scene before me. Blood and matter sprayed from the wall and locks of blonde hair fell to the ground, but Thomas barely seemed to notice.

"STOP IT!" I roared, running forward and grabbing Thomas by the arm, "THOMAS, SHE'S DEAD, STOP!"

Thomas seemed to halt for a moment. He stared at Honour's corpse, still suspended by the hair held in his grip, and then his whole body shuddered and he dropped her to the ground.

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