Grabbing my hand he led me outside regardless of how quick I can or in this case cannot walk in six-inch heels. Pottering down the pavement we stopped outside a club already guarded with girls wearing next to nothing, the obvious attraction for Aston. Ready to join the back of the queue i'm pulled to the door meeting a man in black who didn't hesitate to let us in.

"Friend of a friend," he smirked before I could question how that just happened.

Vodka and cokes on order I grabbed some available seats to the side of the room ahead of Aston, he's insisting on paying for nearly all my drinks tonight. Looking around the club I laughed as I remembered the times I did go out every weekend, not much has changed, there's still girls thinking short is sexy and men with the most sleazy ways of pulling. Charlie didn't exactly stop me going out with the girls, but he made sure he had plans for us elsewhere, even when he was away he would invite his family over to sit with me. That's how I know feelings have changed, he doesn't do that anymore, I mean what boyfriend would leave their girlfriend at home with the flirty, single and rather good-looking man known as Aston?

"Drink up.."

Sitting down beside me he passed me a shot with my vodka and coke.

"Oo, and how drunk are you planning to get me?"

Winking he knocked his back.

Knowing tonight is only going to get worse I will probably have to pull a sicky tomorrow morning, my boss wont be happy but then it's only a nine till five job isn't it? Hardy ha ha.

The more I thought about Charlie, the more I drunk, and the more I drunk, the more badly I behaved.

Walking up behind a very lost looking Aston after a quick trip to the ladies he spun around to face me.

"Are you still looking for this friend of yours?" I giggled.

"Yeah I was looking for you."

"I meant friends with benefits."

"I know what you meant," he smirked.

Giggling I took my glass back from his hands. "Lets get some more shots."

Following me closely our bodies stood together as we're crushed against the bar, it's so hot and busy in here now.

"Two Jägers," Aston ordered.

Feeling my phone vibrate in my clutch I briefly checked the name, 'Charlie.'

"Make that four," I frowned.

"Ey, I thought you we're a cheap night?"

Passing him my phone I took out some money, but after a quick look on my screen my notes are pushed away and phone is now switched off.

"I was joking. I'm showing you exactly what you're missing tonight, so drink up and forget him."

Nodding I helped clear all the shots across the bar. Time flying we switched to amaretto still wedged in the corner flirting, rather than the old fashion gentleman talk Aston's banter and cheeky ways have me hook, line and sinker.

"So come on, am I more fun than the lads?" I asked.

"If I was with the lads I'd be in bed by now."


"I'm not talking about my bed," he giggled with me.

"I haven't seen you chat up one girl tonight, so how are you supposed to find a friend with extra's?"

"Friends with benefits," he corrected.

"A friend you're going to fuck, same thing," I shrugged

Laughing he supported me straight by holding my waist.

"I thought you we're my friend?" he asked.

"I am your friend."

Grinning again he stared back into my eyes, and then lowered the gaze to my chest.

This dress does have a very low V neck.

"Lets dance," he smiled.

"Now you've finished looking at my boobs?"

Biting down on his bottom lip he took my hand again and lead me through the surrounding people now crowding around the bar. Seduced by those eyes I ended up dancing up against him with my hands never far from his body, in fact Aston's just as close if not closer. Feeling his lips gently brush against my neck I turned around.

This is so out of the ordinary for me, I've never even considered cheating on a boyfriend never mind actually coming this close. I shouldn't feel like this, I shouldn't be eager for his lips on me again, I shouldn't even be here in this club drunk and dancing with him.

But I crushed my lips to his anyway.

Sliding my palms up his chest and around his neck I felt his hand grip my bum tighter as our kiss deepened. Firm and eager for more we parted our mouths and let our tongues battle, tonight's building tension finally released.


Bit of a cliffhanger, but a longer part as I was in Mallorca :-) Remember to vote for the next part..

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