"Now now, Eden. It's not really difficult, I tell you." Janet began, chiding me with a pointed finger.

I shook my head frantically, still trying to back away. "Why don't you do the honors, Janet. Surely it's not difficult." I responded, not knowing where my horrendous language came from.

"Eden, get your pretty arse in there and do what a woman's gotta do! Show them what we're capable of!" This made me freeze. I looked to my right, making contact with Farren with an incredulous look. I cleared my throat before speaking.

"Mind you, Farren, But I am not a woman with much experience at such things."

"Well, everyone starts off as slow-witted," She smiled.

"I am not going in! Too many people in there, what if I have stage-fright. It can overwhelm my--"

"Hush your mush." She said as she extended her hands and pushed me through the gates, which Janet had already opened.

The heavy metal doors blew the air forward as it shut close. My back was to the room as I had faced the doors unbelieving what just happened.

There was a sudden silence and I slowly turned to face them- heart hammering as I did so. 

I made contact with bizarre, vast eye that gripped onto people in the room- full of mercy and nerve-wreck. I advanced, trying to fit into the hoards of people and made my way across to the table that carried all the refreshments.

"Eden," A voice boomed through the hall. I turned around, thankful for the distraction and saw the leader standing from the front of the room. I obliged but was terrified by the thousand eyes across the room.

When I reached there, I saw the leader discussing something with his hand gestures and talking to a much younger man, who had men in black surrounding him. My pulse raced as I walked towards them, praying I don't trip with the heels Janet had forced on me.

The leader noticed my presence after a moment and smiled, he seemed exhausted. "You're here." He announced and turned back to the man. "Eden, this is the leader of the Safe House, honoring us with his presence. Sir Cavier, this is Eden, one of the schools escapee."

Sir Cavier took one hard look at me. "You have been broadly mentioned within my folks. I am expecting a lot from you, Miss ...?"

I flushed. "I don't have a surname, sir. Eden is just fine."

Sir Cavier nodded and departed the scene with his men following behind. I let out a breath I didn't know I held in. I walked closer to Sir Rinfred. "Umm, sir, when will the plan need to be declared?"

Sir Rinfred smiles a gentle smile, wrinkles forming at the corner of his eyes. He looked pale, tired and utterly drained to the bone. He seemed to notice my hesitation. "I'm sure you'll do great, dear Eden." He stretched an arm out and I realized it was for me to hold onto as part of the tradition.

I placed my arm on his and walked down the steep steps gracefully beside him. From my position, I saw Ethan, in a dark miraculous tux and a little boy beside him. The boy I saw by the fountain now wearing a caramel coloured suite. For some reason, it suited his long black hair and tan skin tone. The boy looked much Like Ethan, who had his eyes on mine all the time.

He gave me a lop-sided grin, as I remembered out the previous session and flushed incredulously I looked away. The people who were scattered around the large hall moved from their positions and gave plenty of room to spare. Though they were still hemming me and the leader in a circle.

The leader and I stopped, and danced a traditional dance to the musicians from the Safe House at the side of the platform in the hall. I looked around for a quick second, there were mainly adults in the hall, no sight of children except the boy I saw earlier with Ethan, he must be someone important.

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