Chapter 9 - Rescue

Start from the beginning

"P-please just think about it. Let me go. I won't tell anyone w-what happened."

"That's cute. Except I can't let that happen since you've seen our faces. Say goodbye, princess." I closed my eyes and waited for the life-ending bullet.

"Goodbye," said a familiar, deep, masculine voice from behind me before a loud 'pop' sounded. Nico. Suddenly, I felt safe. I released the breath I didn't know I was holding before opening my eyes. The guy who had touched me was on the ground holding his bleeding shoulder while his group was being held at gunpoint by who I assumed were Nico's men. "Callie?"

Turning around, I was instantly sucked into Nico's stare and shocked by the brief concern I saw in them. His presence made me feel safe because deep down, I knew he'd never let anyone hurt me. Well, as secure as one can be with many Mafia people around them in an alley.

"Yeah?" I asked. My breathing was coming out harsh as I tried to regain my grounding.

He glanced behind me before focusing back at me. "Come on." He held open the door for me to walk through.

Passing him, I muttered quietly. "Thank you."

We drove all the way back to the apartment complex in complete silence. At first, it was relaxing, but after a while, it became nerve-racking. I just wanted him to talk to me, scold me, or yell at me- something. The silence was slowly killing me because, with the silence, I couldn't help but think about the disgusting man's hands all over me. What made it worse was that after he parked the car, he left me there and walked into our apartment building. What the hell? I followed him in and up the stairs. Reaching the top, I split to my apartment but stopped when he grabbed my arm.

"Where do you think you're going?" I eyed his hand on my arm, then focused on him.

"My apartment." I responded in a 'duh' tone.

"I don't think so. You're staying with me until I can trust you, especially after that little stunt you pulled tonight."


"Are you hard at hearing, or do you just not listen?"

"That's uncalled for."

"Come on, I'm tired, and it's been a long night." He punched in a code and pulled us into his apartment, passing by his living room and the kitchen as we made our way to his bedroom. He punched in another code and opened the door for me. "Any day now." He tapped his foot impatiently.

"Where are you going to sleep?" I asked while walking past him.

Smirking, he leaned in as I passed by and whispered into my ear, sending pleasurable shivers down my spine. "In the bed." I stopped immediately and turned my head towards him.

"And where am I sleeping?"

His smirk grew more prominent as he leaned in closer, if possible. "In the bed."

"What? You can't be serious."

"Absolutely." He grabbed my arm and started dragging me in.

"No!" I ripped my arm out of his lead grip. "No, no, no, no. No! I have had enough! Since I met you, I've had my personal space intruded on, and I've been manhandled, slapped, shot at, sexually harassed, and threatened way too many times to count. And I am done. D-O-N-E, done." I started walking away, proud of myself.

"Get back here." He demanded calmly.

"No!" I shot over my shoulder. Next thing I knew, I was turned around and thrown over Nico's shoulder. "You bastard! Let go of me! You can't do this!" He started walking back towards his bedroom, giving no mind to my ranting.

"Oh, but I am." I could practically hear his smirk. "You know that little rant was cute. Rude, but cute." Then he did something wholly animalistic and bit my ass cheek.

I gasped in shock. "You barbarian! I swear I'm going to make you pay. Don't ever do that again!"

"I'm sorry, what was that? I don't listen too well." Ha-ha, very funny. "And watch your language." He scolded me.

"Watch your back." I hissed.

"Ooh, Kitty got claws. Who's my feisty gattina?" He asked mockingly. So now he was teasing me? That asshole!

"Oh, I'm gonna get you for this," I promised, then squealed as he suddenly dumped me on the bed.

"Don't even try to escape. Every door has a lock, and I'm a very light sleeper." He started stripping out of his clothes and down to his boxers. Holy cannoli. I had to fight the urge to let my jaw drop. I can't sleep next to that perfection; I can't stop my wandering hands. "Don't let me stop you." He motioned to my clothes.

"You can't seriously think I'm gonna strip for you? I have nothing to wear, and I'm not sleeping naked." I snapped and crossed my arms stubbornly.

"Now, that's an image. But here." He tossed me his t-shirt. I held it up in an 'Are you serious' gesture. When he didn't say anything more, I knew he wouldn't change his mind.

"Fine, but I'm changing in the bathroom." Yeah, that will show him.

Stomping into the bathroom, I strip out of my clothes and into his t-shirt that ended mid-thigh. It was warm, soft, and oddly comforting. I wouldn't mind wearing one all of the time. It even smelt like him. Yum! God, I'm turning into a sexual fiend. After splashing my face with cool water, I reentered the bedroom to find Nico sitting in bed with his arms crossed behind his head. Holy. Italian. God. Placing my clothes on his dresser, I turned and caught him staring at my butt.

"Hey, don't be looking at my badonkadonk." I snapped with a scowl.

"Your what?" He asked with a slight smile.

"Badonkadonk: an extremely curvaceous female buttocks." He stared at me with amusement lining his face. "I was a spelling bee champion," I muttered the last part, embarrassed.

"Uh-huh. Just go to sleep." Nico chuckled while turning over and pulling the blankets up.

Well then. I decided to make the best out of the situation and get comfortable by snuggling into bed facing away from him. Something about him tempted the darker part of me to come out and play, which scared me. He scared me but in a good way. I felt like I was living on the edge of danger, but at the same time, I knew I was safer with him than anyone else. I got comfy before shutting off the light and having a fantastic night's sleep for the first time in a long time.

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Much love,
Emily Rose (@creativemindxo)

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