Chapter 9

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Jade's POV

As we made our way into the hotel, I had an eerie feeling. I did not want to be here at all but Harry kept insisting it was just for supplies. We all stood around in the lobby, studying the atmosphere around us. "This place is disgusting." Kendall commented with a disgusted look on her face. 

"Looks like it has been abandoned for a few years." Theo added while Bella swiped her hand across the Hotel Check in desk, picking up a thick layer of dust while she carried a disgusted look.

"I don't think we are going to find anything useful here. We should just go back to the crash sight and see if there is still help there." Bella turned around and looked at her brother.

"It doesn't hurt to search the place. Plus, We are in a town! There has to be somebody here in this quiet town that could help. We could even ask for a ride to the nearest city or something." Harry stated while Bella sighed in defeat.

"Harry, I know you can be very stubborn at times but this is serious. My arm could possibly have an infection by the time we were to find help. We all need medical attention." I looked up at him.

"Please, Jade, not you too." He whispered.

"I'm sorry, but I have to side on which ever side gets us help faster, babe." I looked at him, trying to read his emotions. At first, he looked hurt at my defiance and then I saw stubbornness.

"There could be first aid kits here. You never know." He said through gritted teeth. I sighed.

"Let's split up; we will cover more ground if we do that." Perrie suggested.

"No, absolutely not. That is how people in horror movies get killed." Jesy crossed her arms in protest.

"There's enough of us," Niall pointed out, "If we do split up, we still have some back up.

"Alright. Jade, Leigh Anne, and Jordan are with me as group 1. Bella, Theo--" Harry was cut off by Kendall's loud squeal. 

"I want to be in Theo's group!" She blushed and scooted closer to Theo.

"Fine. Bella, Theo, Kendall, and Niall are group 2. Jesy, Jake and Perrie are group 3." Harry stated.  "We will take the lobby as well as the second floor. Group 2 will take levels 3 and 4. Group 3 will take floors 5 and 6. No one go to the Penthouse, It looks damaged anyways. If the elevator doesn't work then take the stairs. There should be electricity though so I don't think we will run into any problems. Alright guys, disperse." Harry ordered. Each group of people went to their floors as we stayed on the ground floor.

"Jordan and I are going to look on this side and you two can look in the managers office and those rooms." Leigh commented and I nodded as they walked away.

"Let's go." Harry said, his jaw still clenched and I followed. We made our way over to what looks to be the managers office. Harry opens the already unlocked door and walks in. He begins looking through the desk and I go straight for the shelves. "Come over here." He said, making me turn around. He was holding a first aid kit. I sat down in the chair  as he knelt down on the absolutely filthy floor and extended my arm carefully on the desk. He opened the box on the floor and got the rubbing alcohol out. He grabbed a few towels and placed one under my arm while keeping one in his hand. He looked at me with hard eyes, "This is going to hurt." He said as he opened the bottle.

He poured the liquid over my wound causing me to flinch and squeal. The feeling was a burning sensation that prickled as the liquid disinfected my wound. After letting it settle and wiping access liquid up, he poured more on my wound. I grabbed onto his shoulder and grabbed a fistful of his shirt as I squealed holding back tears, to say this hurt was an understatement. After the pain settle in and I got used to it, I unclenched his shirt and looked at him. His eyes were no longer hard or cold, they were soft and concerning. He cleaned up my arm and bandaged it up. He stood up, dusting himself off and offered me a hand. I took it with the hand that didn't have the damaged arm and stood from my seat. As soon as I stood up, Harry pulled me into a gentle hug as if he was afraid I'd break in half if he squeezed any harder. "I'm sorry." He whispered into my hair.

"For what?"

"For hurting you." He pulled away a little, still holding me in his arms but looking into my eyes now. 

"You were just cleaning my wound, Harry. It's ok. If you hadn't, I would have been in even more pain." I used my un-injured hand to tuck a loose strand of hair behind his ear. His slightly smiled and held me tighter. "I am curious as to why you were so cold towards me a few moments ago."

"I was just disappointed that you didn't take my side on the situation. It's suppose to be us against the world, Jade." He reminded me.

"It is, babe, but we both have to think of the situation we are currently in. Which ever solution gets us to safety faster, than we need to work towards it."

"I agree. It's just, I feel my plan is effective." He smiled back at me.

"Well then we need to put your plan into action by looking for supplies." I smiled and kissed him softly.

"Ok." He blushed and we both pulled away. We began shifting through everything in that office before walking out way down the left side of the hall and searching the rooms. While looking through the rooms, Harry and I managed to find a cigarette package and some clothes. We both hoped that Jordan and Leigh's adventure down the right side of the hallway was more rewarding.

Leigh Anne and Jordan meet us 15 minutes later near the elevator. "What did you guys find?" Jordan asked.

"Cigarettes and Clothes," Harry chuckled, "What about you two?"

"Some clothes, pillows that are stained and disgusting, and a first aid kid." Leigh answered. 

"Well, onto the next floor." I commented as Harry took my hand and smiled at me. The elevator dinged and we all walked in, clicking the button to the second floor.

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