Chapter 5

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AU: This is a filler Chapter to get you into the story line that I am anticipating. Sorry for the shortness, but that is what fillers are. :P Love you Lots ;)

Jade's POV

Kendall kept looking over at me cuddling Hazza.  I smiled and cuddled closer to him. He twirled my hair as he listened to the music on his phone. The plane ride was going to be a few hours and I already slept on the bus and at the beginning of the plane ride so I was wide awake. The problem? Harry was beginning to doze off and my girls were on the other side of the plane. by the next half an hour, Harry was asleep and I was listening to his music. We were sharing headphones while listening.

2 hours and we were still in the same predicament, except this time, I was reading my book. The Plane began to bounce a little and I had an uneasy feeling in my stomach. The pilot went on the intercom "Please, make sure you are strapped into your seat. We are experiencing technical difficulties." I began to panic because it was my first time on a plane. I nudged Hazza.

"Harry, Harry. Wake up." He woke up alarmed. He looked at me with concerned eyes.

"What's wrong?" I moved the blanket to make sure he was strapped in.

"The pilot said they are experiencing technical difficulties." He nodded. Harry noticed that I was getting anxious so he took my hand and reassured me.

"It's ok. It's normal for planes to have problems at least once. I'm sure it's nothing."  I was still shaking a little...that's when we heard a gun shot. I jumped. "Hey , Hey, Shh...I'm here ok. Look at me." I looked at Harry. He looked scared too but he was trying to be strong for me. Kendall was freaking out just like every other person. The plane began to drop...we were falling. I began to cry and Harry hugged me tight. He held me as the plane began to plummet. A man walked into our part of the plane with crazy eyes and gun. I ducked with Harry. We were getting closer and closer to the ground and I was freaking out. Harry rubbed my back as he hugged me tight. I hugged him as well. The man had a bomb strapped to himself.

"The world is a filthy place and I am setting you all free. Thank me in the after life." He pressed a button and there was a loud, ear shattering crash. I started to cry to the point where I couldn't breathe.


"What?" His breathe was as irregular as mine.

"I just... I just want to tell you something...If we die-"

"Don't say that, Jade." A tear rolled down his face.

"Please, let me finished." I cried. "I just want you to know that...I Love you, Harry." I was clenching his shirt.

"Jade, I love you too. So bloody much." He responded. We kissed and held each other close. The plane inched closer to the ground. Everyone was screaming but all I could here was Harry's heart beat. The plane impacted with the ground and I saw black.

My eyes fluttered open to the moonlight and stars. I felt unbearable pain throughout my body. The side of my head was bleeding very badly and I had a piece of glass stuck in my arm. I needed help. I needed someone. I needed Harry. "Harry!" I cried out. Looking around. I began to cry at the sight of so many dismembered bodies of people I grew up going to school with. "Harry!" I cried harder at the thought of him being one of those dead bodies. "Please, baby. Please, Be ok...Harry!" I cried on, sitting. Looking around.

Seconds felt like hours passing by.

I cried harder.


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