Chapter 8

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Author's Note: Mild Trigger Warning

Harry's POV

Jade and I began to walk back to the group. I was still astonished by her words but I was just glad that we made up. I never knew how horrible I was to her when Senior Year started. How could I have not seen how much pain she was in or how I had neglected her. As soon as that thought rushed through my head, I remember the cut marks on her wrist. She had avoided the question this morning, but I wasn't going to let her get away with it this time. "Jadie, You never answered my question this morning? I know it's all complicated and confusing for you but I want to help."

"You can't help, Harry, this is all me." She crossed her arms over her chest in a protective way. "It's stupid how some stories romanticize self-harm and I'm not about to become a cliché. I don't cut because of you nor am I going to stop just because you said you loved me. It's so much more complicated than that." She took a deep breath.

"Then. at least, make me aware of the situation? How long have you been cutting?" I asked softly as I kicked a pine cone out of the way.

"Since Freshman year." She answered.

"Why'd you start? What triggered you?" I asked another question.

"Well, self-harm is kind of a last resort when you don't know what to do. Freshman year, I was bullied and taunted. I strongly believed that I was worthless and that no one cared about me so I would express my grief, sorrow, and depression through self-mutilation. The fact that I felt worthless already tells you what kind of emotional pain I was in." Her voice began to crack as she continued. I held her hand while we walked. "I couldn't deal with it; the emotional pain. Self-Harm makes the internal pain, external. Once I cut the line, my thoughts are on how painful the cut is instead of the internal pain of feeling like I'm a waste of space. Eventually, over time, it got easier. Every time I did it, it wouldn't be such a train wreck of emotions. I would feel the emptiness setting in and excuse myself to the restroom to make the pain go away. It became a habit after a year and I haven't stopped." I could see the tears building in her eyes so I stopped walking. I turned towards her and wiped the tears off her cheek. I kissed her so softly and gently because I was afraid of breaking her. I hugged her after the kiss and we stayed like that while I whispered in her ear.

"You say you don't like to romanticize self-harm and I respect that. You think that my love won't make you feel secure, and I respect that. You know, though, I can't go on without trying to make you feel secure. I love you so much, Jade. I love you so much it hurts. I have made it my mission to make you feel secure and worth it because Baby, You are so worth it." I kissed her cheek. My voice cracked throughout the little speech and you could clearly understand why. Jade hugged back and I took her hand gently. She winced at the pain. "We need to find a hospital or police station. Somewhere we can fix ourselves up and get some help."

"Yea." She agreed. "I wouldn't mind that." She chuckled and we began walking back to the camp site. We got about 15 feet away when we started to hear yelling. Jade and I frowned at each other and jogged a little to the site.

"You are such a little brat!" Kendall shrieked. "Maybe I wanted that cookie!"

"I got it first. Stop acting like a 5 year old." Bella rolled her eyes. Kendall stomped away from Bella and sat by Theo. I began to wonder why Theo wasn't sitting next to Bella until I saw the hand holding behind his back. Theo was cheating on my sister.

"Don't say anything now. We need help." Jade whispered, pleadingly. I sighed,

"Later." She nodded and we walked to our blanket. "Alright everyone, listen up!" I shouted to everyone. They all looked at me. "We all had a pretty bloody rough night. So let's work together to get ourselves to safety instead of fighting like a bunch of immature kids. Got it?" I said sternly. They nodded. "We need to pack up and started walking. We don't know where the nearest town is but hopefully we will come across a highway. Our mission is to get to a hospital or police station, report what happened, and get ourselves some medical help. Let's go." I finished and started to help Jade pack our stuff up.


"We have been walking for hours!" Kendall whined forcing me to roll my eyes.

"We've been walking for half an hour." Bella said, causing Kendall to give her a nasty look. We continued to walk until we caught a glimpse of a sign. We walked over to it to realize it was covered in posters and fliers

"Plane Crash...Murder-Suicide...Terrorist..." Jade mumbled to herself while I read the flier in my head.

"Officials already know about the plane crash! That means there could be help at the crash sight." Bella stated.

"Great," Kendall stated sarcastically, "If we would have stayed there, we would have gotten help but somebody wanted us to look for help." She looked at me, causing me to tighten my grip on Jade.

"Listen here, Miss Priss, this poster board has to belong to some town that we might be standing on the outskirts of so stop getting your panties in a twist and keep walking."

"I'd let you twist my panties any day." Kendall twirled her hair and winked at me, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Keep walking." I said to the group. As we continued down the road, we could see building with little to no people.

"What town is this?" Niall asked. My curiosity was just as bad as Niall's; what town doesn't have any people or cars. Jade stirred next to me and took out her phone, turning on her GPS but right when we were about to find out, her phone died. She sighed and I rubbed her shoulder while kissing the side of her head.

"We will be ok. " I whispered to her. "Why don't we just go to that hotel and see if we can find some supplies." I pointed to the hotel near a few empty looking houses.

"Hopefully it has WiFi or electricity. My phone needs some serious TLC." Kendall complained as we all walked up to it.

Hotel Blackwell

"I don't think this is such a good idea." Jade whispered into my shoulder.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Just look at it." I followed her eyes up to the penthouse that looked like it had endured a fire.

"It's just so we can get supplies." I squeezed her hand for reassurance as we all made our way into the Hotel.

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