Chapter 6

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Harry's POV

"Harry!" I heard Jade cry out for me. I was stuck in my seat. There were so many friends of mine that were totally broken and cut up. I shook the image out of my head. "Harry!" Jade's calls were getting desperate. "Please, Please, Be Ok. I need you!" She cried out. I unbuckled myself from my seat. I crawled out of the wreckage and saw her. Surprisingly, I didn't have any broken bones or anything. I heard moans all around indicating that their were some survivors...but I was focused on getting to Jade. I slowly stood up, very sore and bloody.

"Jade!" I hollered and slowly walked over to her. She was crying so hard, It broke my heart. I've never seen her cry this bad before. I walked over to her and sat on the ground next to her.

"Harry...I were..." She reached for my hand with her right arm. I took it immediately and she cried.

"I'm here, Jadie." I began to examine her body. I look at her legs and saw so many scratches but they weren't too bad. I looked at her face and noticed blood trickling down the side of her head. I sighed and looked at her left arm. She had a huge piece of glass stuck in her elbow. That must have been why she was crying so much. "Ok, Jade. This is going to hurt, so badly sweetheart. I'm sorry." I felt the air knocked out of me when I saw the look on her face. She knew it was going to hurt and I couldn't prevent that. "Just...Just look at me, ok." She nodded. I scooted over to the left side of her body and laid her arm straight out. She winced as I looked at her arm. I noticed 3 perfect lines cut into her wrist. My heart sank even more.

"I...I..." She saw that I have noticed the lines.

"It's...It's not important right now. Scream as much as you need to. Ok?" She nodded and I began to slowly take the glass out of her arm. She screamed in agony and I hated the sound of it. "I'm going to count to 3. Ok? Brace yourself." She nodded. "1...2...3!" I yanked the glass out of her arm. She cried out the loudest cry of pain I have ever heard. I hated it. "I'm sorry, baby girl." She cried and reached out for me. I sat her up and hugged her gently but tightly. She hugged back slightly and cried into my shoulder.

I wrapped her arm with a ripped piece of my shirt, trying to stop the blood from flowing out. I helped her up as well and we were now standing and holding each other. "Did anyone else survive?" She sniffled into my shoulder.

"I'm not sure. I heard some moans over here. Let's check." I hold her hand and we walked slowly over to the wreckage. Jade hid her eyes in my arm, not wanting to see the bloody remains of our fellow students. I don't blame her. "Hey." I said aloud so people could hear me. "Anyone else ok?" I heard moans towards the right.

"Over there!" Jade said, pointing to the right. We walked over to see Perrie, Jesy, and Leigh-Anne. Jade helped Perrie while I helped Leigh-Anne and Jesy. Jordan was a few feet away but he was gaining strength and so was Jake. I looked behind me to see Niall moving a little, trying to regain his strength. Thank god that there were other survivors.

Then it hit me.

My sisters.

"Oh God." I said, my voice was shaky.

"What? What's wrong?" Jade sniffled, helping Jesy up. Jesy, Perrie and Leigh-Anne were now standing, walking over to the guys to help them.

"Gemma and Bella." Jade's eyes went wide and she possessed the same worry I had.

"Bella!" Jade yelled walking through the wreckage. "Gemma!" I followed her and saw a hand reach out for my foot.

"Jade! Over here!" Jade ran to my side and helped me move some of the wreckage. My heart sank at the sight. It wasn't Bella. It wasn't Gemma. It was Kendall. I moved the wreckage away from her and left her to regain strength herself; I had sisters to find.

"Don't worry, Hazza. We will find them. They'll be ok." Jade tried reassuring me. We kept walking through the wreckage. Leigh-Anne followed while helping Jordan walk. He weas leaning on her because he had hurt his ankle. Jake was helping Jesy because of the same reason. Perrie and Niall weren't really close so they just walked next to each other. Kendall followed behind, talking and complaining the whole time.

"Ah!" We all turned around and looked at Kendall because she had screamed. We noticed why...Theo. He grabbed her ankle and slowly stood up. His arm was covered in blood. Niall gave him a dirty look and continued walking. Niall always had a crush on Bella and I guess even when we are in a near death situation, he will still hate Theo. "Ew! You got blood all over my ankle!" Kendall squealed at Theo.

"Sweetheart, You have blood all over you!" Theo yelled at her and walked with us. I squeezed Jade's hand and we walked more. We were about 5 feet away from the wreckage and there was no sign of my sisters. My breath began to increase and a tear rolled down my face.

"Baby. They are here some where. I promise. There is a good chance they are ok. Look at how many of our friends are still ali- oh my gosh!" Jade screamed, scaring me. I looked at what she was looking out. It was Gemma! I ran over to her and checked her pulse.

"She's still alive!" I smiled and she began to move a little. Jade ran past me towards the water. I was confused until I saw why she was running over there.


Both of my sisters were alive.

I smiled and helped Gemma up. Jade walked over to our group with Bella. "What do we do now? Everyone we know is dead." Perrie sniffled and Jade wrapped her arms around her.

"I'm not sure. Everyone, take out their cell phones." I asked. Everyone did. "What is your status on battery and service?"

"No service." Jade answered.

"Mines dead." Leigh Anne answered.

"No service." Perrie answered.

"No service." Bella answered.

"Dead." Jesy Answered.

"Dead." Jake answered.

"No service." Jordan answered.

"No service." Theo answered.

"No service." Niall answered.

"Oh my gosh! Mine is dead!" Kendall screeched. I sighed.

"Look around the wreckage and find whatever you can carry and need. Bags, food, Blankets, pillows, first aid, anything. After we get supplies, we are going to have to walk to the nearest town." I announced.  Everyone dispersed and began to grab necessities. Jade stayed close to me and I kept her close to make sure she was alright. I was hoping to settle someplace near here and talk to her about the cuts on her wrists. I kept a mental note of that so I didn't forget to question her. I grabbed a bunch of blankets and pills while Jade grabbed us some first aid, food, and other things. Once everyone was finished grabbing their things, I suggested we settle some place down the field so we don't have to be near the wreckage.

We walked about 30 feet away from the plane and found a clear, small place where I would imagine going camping. We were covered by trees and there was a soft ground. Each one of us picked a place to sleep, putting out blankets, pillows and our backpacks next to our selves. "Hazza?" Jade softly called my name as we laid on the ground. I rubbed her arm and kissed her forehead.

"Yea?" I whispered.

"Do you think we will be ok?" She looked at me and I placed my hand on her cheek.

"Of course." I kissed her soft lips before we drifted into a very needed sleep.

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