"Oh, really? Who's the cocky one now huh?" Jackson said.

"I only learn from the best." Stiles winked at him. Or at least he tried to wink at him.

Jackson just smiled at Stiles attempt at winking and got into his game mode.

"This is gonna be fun." Jackson thought.

By the time they were on their last lap, Stiles was in the lead but Jackson was not too far behind. Stiles turned around to see Jackson and stuck out his tongue at him mockingly. He was too busy looking back, that he stumbled over his shoe lace and fell down. Jackson sprinted past him and beat him to the finish line.

"Ha! I wo-"

Jackson was knocked down to the ground before he finished speaking. Stiles tackled him and pinned him to the ground.

"I want a rematch." Stiles said.

"Nope." Jackson said firmly.

"No fair! I tripped!" Stiles protested

"It's not my fault you're a clumsy dork" Jackson smirked.

"Fine. Dinner's on me tonight. You're lucky you're cute." Stiles said finally accepting defeat.

Jackson just smiled and kissed his boyfriend while lying on the track.

"You ever thought about having sex in public?" Jackson asked with a smirk.

Stiles looked at him and began to blush.

"I mean...yeah but not here. Not on the field. What if someone's still here?" Stiles said.

"That's what makes it exciting. The suspense of almost getting caught." Jackson replied.

"We can have all the sex you want tonight. At your place." Stiles told the jock.

"So no sex outside? You're no fun." Jackson pouted.

"Oh, we'll see if you'll be saying that later." Stiles told him before kissing him again.


It had been a while since they had gone out on a date by themselves. They always went on double dates with Scott and Isaac, Erica and Boyd, or just with the whole pack.

Stiles was in his room getting ready for their date. He was finishing getting dressed and was sitting on the edge of his bed shirtless while thinking.

He thought about the time when him and Jackson went to the fair together. Four months have passed since then and it felt like it was just yesterday. To this day, he still gets nervous going on a date with Jackson. He smiled to himself and looked over at his desk and saw the camera he had bought. He grabbed it and went through all the pictures he had taken of Jackson. He looked flawless in all of them. Stiles stopped at one where he was smiling. He started to remember the reason behind his smile that day.

Erica and Boyd were fighting because Erica told Boyd to get her a drink from Starbucks. Boyd, per usual, got her the wrong drink. Jackson was just watching them and laughing at their pointless argument.

There was another one where Jackson did a kissy face at him. Stiles smiled and blushed at the sight of that particular photograph.

"Oh, I can't wait till Christmas...I wanna see his face when he finds out that I'm his secret Santa." Stiles said to himself.

Stiles finished getting ready and headed to Jackson's place.


S: I'm outside. Come out.

Stiles waited for 15 minutes and he got no reply.

S: Jax?

Fifteen more minutes passed and still no reply. Stiles began to worry and turned off his Jeep. He called him but his phone went to voicemail.

He entered the lobby and said hi to the front desk worker that already knew him and headed for the elevator. He pressed the button with the number thirteen on it and looked at his phone again. Still no reply from Jackson. Once he reached the correct floor, he headed to Jacksons door and knocked.

"Hey, Jax you in there? It's me. Open up." Stiles said.

He knocked three times and then he decided to try to open the door but the door was unlocked already. That's when Stiles began to worry. What if someone or something broke in and he's hurt?

Stiles went in and saw that it was dark. He gently closed the door and used his advanced hearing to listen if he could find something. He carefully listened to the sound waves in the air until he heard it. The sound of a heart beating and it was coming from outside on the balcony. He carefully made his way there trying his best to not be heard. He silently peaked through the glass doors and opened them slowly. As soon as he walked onto the balcony, the light turned on. He got ready to fight until he noticed what was around him. He blinked and looked around and was surprised by what he saw.

There, by the edge of the balcony stood Jackson dressed in a dark blue suede tux and a black bow tie. Behind him was a small round table beautifully decorated with silverware, candles, and rose petals in the center. Stiles looked around and noticed all of the dim lights hanging with the live plant decorations. Stiles was shocked. All of this just seemed like something that was taken out of a romantic comedy movie. He looked at Jackson and Stiles just blushed immensely at how beautiful he looked standing there in a tux. Jackson slowly walked towards him and stopped a few inches away from his face. Stiles couldn't help but flash a bashful smile.

"I'm glad you could make it. I've been expecting you." Jackson said with a warm smile on his face.

Stiles was about to say something when he finally realized something. All this time, he was worried sick about Jackson thinking that he was hurt and in danger. Stiles then responded with a punch to his arm.

"Ow! Wh-what was that for?" Jackson asked.

"That was for scaring me to death and not responding to my calls and text messages! I was worried and thought that something bad had happened to you! I waited almost an hour for you!" Stiles said sounding frustrated.

"I'm...I'm sorry. I thought-"

Stiles suddenly shut Jackson up with a kiss. Stiles kissed him with so much love and tenderness, that he swore he felt real life butterflies in his stomach. That familiar burning sensation took over once again. The same sensation he felt when Jackson kissed him on their first date at the fair. Stiles swung his arms around Jackson's neck while Jackson put his hands on Stiles hips. Stiles suddenly began to glow from pure bliss. The white aura embodied both of them. Neither of them took notice of what was happening. Stiles subconsciously began lifting them both up in the air a little. After five minutes he brought them back down. The aura diminished and their lips parted.

"And that...that was for being the best boyfriend and best friend anyone could ever ask for. You are my everything Jackson....I love you." Stiles slowly said to him.

"I love you too." Jackson responded.

Jackson had prepared a traditional Italian dinner. They had their date on the balcony under the star lit sky, the moon, and dim patio lights. They talked and laughed all night.

After hours of eating, telling jokes, and sharing thoughts, they laid down on the hammock that Jackson had on his balcony. They cuddled together to stare up into the midnight sky.

"Thanks for tonight...it was amazing." Stiles mumbled with his eyes closed. Drifting to sleep afterwards.

"Anything for you...I love you." Jackson said and gave him a kiss on his head.

Jackson observed Stiles sleep next to him for an hour. He examined every beautiful feature on Stiles face. Jackson kept playing with Stiles hair as he slept like a baby.

"I will always love you...my beautiful mate..." Jackson mumbled before drifting off to sleep.

to be continued....

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