Chapter 14

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Dedication to beliber142

~*Sophie's POV*~

"Sophie, I think I love you." Max said. I can't believe he just said that. How am I supposed to respond to that? I mean, I keep falling harder for him every day, but am I really ready to say it back yet? I look into his eyes, they look happy, curious, and confused. He deserves some kind of answer.

"Max, I am so glad you feel that way. I want you to know that I'm getting there, but I don't feel quite ready to say it back yet." I said. His expression changed, but not to hurt or anger. It was more like consideration and, love.

"That's okay Sophie. I understand. I just want you to know that's how I feel about you." He said. I appreciate that response.

"Thank you Max, and I am so glad you feel that way about me. You are an amazing guy." I said.

"Thank you Sophie. We should probably get to sleep now." He said. He has no hint of anger of hurt in him voice. Thank goodness, because the last thing I want to do is hurt him.

"Yeah, you're right. Goodnight Max." I say.

"Goodnight Soph." Max said. And with that, we fell asleep.


I woke up and Max wasn't there. I swear I can never wake up with this boy next to me. I smell pancakes. I jumped out of bed and ran downstairs. Sure enough, Max was standing there making pancakes.

I said out of breath, "Pancakes, you made pancakes!!" Max must not of known I was there because he jumped when I said that.

"Yep, just for you." He turned and smiled over his shoulder.

"They smell amazing." I said.

"I hope they taste as good as they smell." He said.

"I'm sure they will, you made them." I said and gave him a wink. I just realized how out of breath I was, and I think Max did too, because he walked over to me and made me sit down.

"Sophie, are you ok? He asked full of concern. It took me a second to respond.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just can't get that excited I guess." I said. And this sucks. I can't even get excited over pancakes anymore. It started getting a little hazy.

"Sophie, look at me. Keep looking at me." Max said. He already knew what was happening before even asking. I kept looking into those beautiful icy blue eyes of his. I'm not letting this happen again. I am going to stay strong. "Can you still hear and see me?" He asked. I nodded. "Ok, keep your focus." He said. I was slipping out. He was saying stuff and it kept getting quieter and darker. Then it went black.


Max's POV

She's been out for 5 minuets, that's the longest she's ever been out. I decide to call the hospital.

"Hello," the operator said.

I said while freaking out, "Hi, um, there's a girl and she has a heart disease and she fainted and she's been out for 10 minuets. Can I please bring her in immediately?" I asked.

The operator sounded terrified for Sophie. "Of course. Bring her in immediately and we'll have doctors waiting for you outside." She said.

"Thank you, thank you so much." I said and hung up. I grabbed Sophie and off we went.

Sure enough when we got there, there was a team of doctors waiting for us. They took Sophie and she immediately went into the emergency room.

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