Chapter 4

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~*Sophie's POV*~
We're on our way home from school and Max is telling me everything Mia told him. I am very confused, mostly because of why he cares so much, but also what Mia said. I guess I won't worry about it, no, I can't worry about it, I have so much homework to make up. School isn't a stressful thing for me, but I at least want to do well. Max is dropping me off at my house.
"Thanks for the ride."
"No problem." He said. I got out of the car and went inside. My head is spinning right now.
"Hey dad."
"Hey. How was you first day back?"
"It was alright."
"Who's clothes are you wearing?" Oh great, he noticed.
"Um, the neighbors, Max. I got food spilt on me today and he let me borrow them." He looked at me very confused.
"Oh, ok, that was nice of him."
"I'm going upstairs to do homework. Call me when dinner is ready."
And that was it. My dad and I are very simple people. We talk but they are simple conversations. Grace used to be the one I could talk about my emotional and personal issues with. She was the best. Instead of going to my room to do homework, I found myself going to Grace's room. I get to the door and just stare at the door for about two minuets. After that I slowly twist the knob and opened the door. I took my first step in her room and I almost broke down right there, it still smelled like her. I slowly walked to her bed and laid down.
I must have fallen asleep because I woke up to my dad shoving my shoulder.
"Hey, it's time for dinner."
"Oh, sorry, I must have fallen asleep. I'll be down in a minute."
"Ok, I'll be waiting." He looks like he wants to say more, but he just gets up and goes downstairs. I get up slowly , look around, and tell the room "I'll be back, just not tonight. Love you Grace." And then I left.
When I got to the table my dad was already eating and had my plate made, Tuna Helper.
"Did you have a busy day today?" I asked him.
"Yeah, why'd you ask?"
"Because you always make Tuna Helper when you have a busy day." He looked at me and half smiled.
"You're very observant." He said with a smirk.
"Yes, yes I am." And then I started eating.
"If you want seconds, there's more in the pan."
"Ok, thanks daddy." As soon as I was about to take my last bite, the door bell rang.
"I'll get it." I told my dad.
"Ok I'll be packing. I leave tomorrow." I hate when my dad leaves.
"Ok, we can talk more in a minute." As I got to the door I undo the lock and open the door.
"Max?" I asked kind of surprised.
"Well, don't sound so surprised. We are neighbors."
"Yeah, I know." Wow, I feel so stupid. He looked a little jumpy.
"Do you want to come in?" He looked a little relieved.
"Yeah, sure." As I closed the door, I noticed he had a bag with him.
"So, what's up?" I ask him but he's looking at the table.
"Were you eating? I can come back."
"No, I was just finishing, but we have more of you want some."
"Oh no thanks. I'm good." And then we just stand there for a few minutes. Since it seems like he isn't going to say anything, I'll go first.
"So.... you still haven't told me why you're here." He looked worried again.
"Yeah, I don't really know why I came here, um... I guess I was wondering if I could spend a few.... um.... nights here?" He then looked at me. I was a little surprised, and I guess my face showed it. "Sorry, like I said I don't know why I came-"
"No it's okay. I'm glad you came here instead of somewhere else. Um.... I guess a few nights wouldn't hurt. I will have to ask my dad. He, um, leaves for Georgia tomorrow, so I'll tell him just for tonight. I'll be right back." He looked at me a little surprised. "Like you said, we are neighbors." He let out a little laugh and then I left. I went upstairs and turned to the left to my dads room.
"Um, daddy?"
"Um, you know the neighbor Max, well, he, um, needs a place to stay tonight, and um, well, could he stay here?" He turned around.
"Just for tonight?" He asked suspicious. I nodded my head. I'm not very good at lying. He had his thinking face on. He knows how much Max has helped me out so I hope he puts that into perspective. "Ok, but he'll have to sleep on the couch, I don't think you want to give him Graces room." Wow, that was easy.
"No I don't want anyone in her room, but I'll give him my bed and I'll sleep on the floor. I don't really want him in my room alone. He might snoop."
"Uh, I don't know if I want you two sleeping in the same room."
"Fine, I'll sleep in Graces room."
"Ok, he can stay, but just for tonight."
"Ok, thanks. I know he'll appreciate it." And the I went back down stairs. When I got to the living room Max wasn't there.
"Max?" I yelled as I walked into the living room, then I saw him in the kitchen. "Oh there you are. You sure you don't want anything to eat?" He looked at the food like he really wanted some.
"Sure, I'll have a little. I haven't eaten yet." As I walk past him I say "you can stay in my room tonight." He looked at me a little to happy. "Don't get to excited, I won't be in there with you." Then he didn't look as happy, but he still looked relieved.
"Ok, thanks for letting me stay."
"No problem. My dad leaves in the morning and you can stay until he gets back. Just don't say that to him."
"Ok." He says. I handed him his food and he ate it right away. I sat down to finish mine.
"So... If you don't mind me asking, why do you need a place to stay?" He immediately stopped eating.

~*Max's POV*~
Oh no, she is never going to let me stay here now.
"Um, my mom kicked me out."
Her eyes got so wide I thought they might pop out of her face.
"What? Why?" She asked me. She almost looked sad for me.
"Um, she found out, that I was, um," cough "selling cocaine." She stopped eating and I kept my head down.
"Are you stupid or something. Why would you do something like that? You are much more than that." She wasn't yelling, instead she just sounded a little disappointed. To be honest, I was being stupid.
"I was being stupid. But I needed a few bucks to pay my mom back, I didn't want to get a job, someone gave me a small bag, and I sold it. It was only one, so I didn't think I'd get caught." I looked at her, but I couldn't read her. That is one thing I've noticed while being around Sophie, she's very hard to read.
"But why would your mom kick you out, you're her son?" She sounded sincere.
"She said she didn't want that kind of stuff going on in her house."
"Oh, well, how long do you think she'll want you out?"
"I have no clue. But if she comes here asking if I'm here, say no." Her eyes got big again.
"I'm not going to lie to your mom."
"Please, just the first time she comes over." She just sits for a second, thinking.
"Fine, just once." As she said that I felt relief inside. "Ok, when you're done eating put your dishes in the dishwasher and come upstairs. I have lots of homework to do." She got up from the table.

20 minutes later
~* Sophie's POV*~
Finally, done with homework. Then I heard a knock on my door. Right, Max is here, surprisingly I forgot.
"Come in." He comes in looking around and looking a little sheepish.
"If I'm sleeping in here, where are you sleeping?" He asked.
"On the floor." He looked at me shocked.
"What? I'm not going to make you sleep on the floor."
"You're not making me."
"Well, then I'm not letting you."
"Well you're the guest and guests never sleep on the floor." I said. And I think I won the argument, until he says
"Then we'll share the bed." He looked happy now.
"Yeah right. I'm getting changed, putting you're clothes in the washer, and going to bed, on the floor." And with that I left. I went into the bathroom and got changed and brushed my teeth and you know, the usual, then went back into my room where Max was already in bed and he was patting one side of the bed " come on, the bed is waiting for you."
"No thanks." Then he gets out of the bed, and oh my, those back muscles, so defined. Then he turns around, chest and abs. No, stop swooning. Don't fall for the neighbor. Then out of nowhere he bends down and throws me over his shoulder.
"Oh my god! Put me down!" I yell and slap his ever so naked and muscular back. Then he put me down on the bed.
"There you go. Good night, don't even think about getting up, I'll just pick you back up." He said with a big ass cocky smile.
"Fine. Goodnight." This is going to be a long night, especially since I only have a twin size bed. He got in and his back was touching my back. Oh god, please help me.

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