Chapter 8

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~*Max's POV*~
I stood there in dead silence. I didn't know how to comprehend this, hell, I don't even know why I care so much, but at the same time, as I'm looking at her, I realize how beautiful she is and how bad I feel for her. She hasn't even lived yet.
"Oh," was all I could say.
"Yeah, well let's go home and eat." She said. How can she be so calm at a time like this! This is serious and she's acting completely normal.
"How or when are you going to tell your dad?" I asked her. She kept looking straight ahead and got in the car. I guess she won't be answering that question. As I start the car she starts to talk.
"I don't know, I don't know if I should tell him. He's already lost one of us, I don't even think he can handle the thought of another one leaving. I can barely handle it myself." She said. Her voice is shaky, but when I look over at her she looks normal. I start to drive.

Once we reached the house Sophie gets out immediately and runs into the house, weird. I slowly turn the car off and walk inside. Sophie is nowhere to be seen. I look in the kitchen and in her bedroom, nowhere.
"Sophie," I yell throughout the house. I walk back towards the kitchen and she's in there getting food.
"Sorry, I just really had to pee. I've been holding it since before we left. Ready to eat?" She asked. What the hell, why is she so calm.
"What the hell. How can you eat at a time like this!?" I said. I am completely freaking out, she is acting like she is completely fine.
"You just found out you had cancer, you should be a little more freaked out." I said matter of factly.
"You only have to freak out if you let yourself freak out. Right now, I just want to try your amazing food, then I'm going to take a shower, then I'm going to bed." She said. She's acting like it's completely normal to have a brain tumor. Well, I might as well just relax for a bit, because she's right, you only freak out if you let yourself freak out.
"What, no homework tonight?" I asked. A smile crept on to her face, that beautiful smile. Her smile is so bright and beautiful, it made me smile.
"I did it on the bus today. Pay attention." She said in her teasing tone.
"Alright, let's eat." I said.

20 Minuets Later
~*Sophie's POV*~

I turn on the shower and make the water a little warmer than usual. I still have the taste of Max's amazing dinner in my mouth. At least I know the bad boy can cook. I am feeling mentally stressed right now, what am I supposed to tell my dad? How am I supposed to tell my dad. I don't want to hurt him but I also don't just want to die out of the blue one day and him not know why. I don't think he can stand to loose another one of us. Don't get me wrong, all of this is sort of scary, but I am worried about my dad more than I am about myself. I don't want to seem weak because I'm just not like that, but at the same time, if I have bad days I don't want people to think I'm going downhill fast and that's not what I want. I am a strong person, but there is only so much one person can take. I'll probably tell my dad when he gets home that way he doesn't have a surprise medical bill.
I'm putting shampoo in my hair when I hear the bathroom door open.
"Hello?" I asked the air.
"Hey Sophie, it's just me. I need to brush my teeth." Max said. He scared the heck out of me.
"Ok that's fine." I said. I'm starting to put the conditioner in my hair and Max starts to sing.
"And I will play it louder, anyway you want to. Just get up, just get on it, I will leave you broken-hearted tonight, ohh." He sang. What the heck. I'm trying to hold in my laugh but it just doesn't work. I laugh pretty hard.
"What?" He said.
"Nothing." I said while chuckling.
"Yeah there's something, what is it?" He asked.
"I just think it's funny, a bad boy singing Broken-hearted. That is the second time I've heard you sing, and your voice kind of hurts." I said and started laughing again. I turned off the shower.
"I thought my singing was pretty good." He said matter of factly.
"Whatever you say. Can you pass me a towel please?" I ask. He hand me a towel and I start drying off. He doesn't leave the bathroom. So I take advantage of this and ask him a question.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Yeah sure." He said.
"Are you going to treat me differently now that this is all going on?" I wrapped myself in the towel and got out of the shower. Max just stared at me. I wondered if I looked that bad.
"Um, no, I-I won't treat you differently." He said while stumbling.
"Ok, thanks. Now I'm going to have to ask you to leave so I can get dressed." I said. He just kept looking at me. "Max?" I asked. He blinked and jumped.
"Yeah, sorry, I'll go." He said. I chuckled. Once he left I got dressed and brush my hair and all the normal bedtime routine stuff. Once I was done I went into my room and Max wasn't there. Well, guess I mind as well get into bed. So that's what I did. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out.
I felt someone behind me. I jumped. Then I remembered, it was Max. I am never going to get used to this. Since I'm awake, I mind as well get a drink of water. I got out of the bed slowly and walked quietly out of the room. My house may have carpet floors, but it squeaks, and when it squeaks, it's very loud. When I got into the kitchen I didn't bother being quiet anymore. I got my water and sat at the bar. It was at this moment I realized not only how mentally drained I was, but also that I could die, I might die I might not. I have to tell everyone it will be fine and I have to stay alive for my dad. If I don't, I will hurt so many people. I got tired of thinking about this so I went back upstairs and went to bed. I was so tired I didn't even realize I was facing Max.
I woke up a few hours later and was looking at Max, and the scary part, he was looking back at me. He smiled, leaned over, and pecked me really fast on lips. What the heck!? I can feel my face getting really hot.
"Well don't get any redder, you might turn into a tomato." He said while laughing.
"Why did you do that?" I asked.
"I don't know, just felt like it. But you're lucky, I don't do that to many people." He said with a huge grin on his face.
"Oh, I'm honored." I said sarcastically. "We should get ready for school." I said.
"Yeah, we should." He said.

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