Chapter 9

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~*Sophie's POV*~

Today has been such a long day. I haven't really noticed though because I've been so distracted. I've been thinking about Max all day. Why did he kiss me? Why am I still thinking about it? Why did I sort of like it? I am utterly confused. I am arriving to Max's car and Luke is there. I am about to turn around but Max already saw me and called my name.
"Hey Sophie." Max said. I internally groaned. I put on a fake smile.
"Hey Max." I look at Luke, "Luke. Hey Max you almost ready, I have a really bad headache and I have a crap load of homework to do?" I asked Max.
"Yeah, go ahead and get in the car, I'll be there in a second." He said. I looked at him confused.
"Alright." I said and got in the car.

~*Max's POV*~

I turned from Sophie getting in the car to Luke. He was starting to talk again.
"You better not be doing this to hurt  her, because I will hurt you." Luke said. What the hell?
"I thought you were mad at her?" I asked.
"I am, but you can't just forget about a person. And I know guys like you, they hurt people." Ouch, that hurt. Obviously he doesn't know me.
"Well, gotta go man." I said and got in the car before he could say another word. When I got in the car Sophie looked at me.
"What was that all about?" She asked. I don't know if I should tell her. She doesn't need this right now, I'll tell her the partial truth.
"Nothing, he's just thinking he is the man and he's throwing threats at me, that's all."
"What was he throwing threats at you about? I can talk to him if you want." Here we go, she's always being nice.
"I don't even know really, but it's not that big of a deal so please don't get in the middle of it." Hopefully she listens.
She stayed silent for a few seconds.
"Ok, fine. But don't get into any trouble, if you do I will personally go and talk to him, ok?" She said. She is so cute when she tries to take control.
"Ok." I said, and then we drove home.

~*The Next Day*~
  I woke up looking at the most beautiful girl in the whole world. She is still asleep, so I get out of bed and head down to the kitchen. I pop some bagels in the toaster and pour some orange juice into glasses. The bagels are done so I put her favorite on it, strawberry cream cheese. I put all the food and drinks onto a tray and bring it up to her. When I got into her room she was still asleep. She is so cute. I walk over to the bed and lightly tap her shoulder.
"Sophie, Sophie I brought you some breakfast." I whispered into her ear. She grinned and slowly started to open her eyes.
"Oh, good morning. What's the occasion?" She asked.
"What I can't just make you a breakfast?" I asked with a stupid smile on my face.
"No, you can't." She said and we both laughed.
"Well, I woke up before you so I decided to make myself useful." I said. She looked at me and I looked at her. I slowly started to lean towards her and she started to lean towards me. We were so close, her lips are a rosy pink color. I close the gap and kiss her soft lips. I kiss her unlike I've kissed anyone  before, it felt passionate and like I am starting to fall for this amazing and fragile girl. I feel her starting to melt into me.

~*Sophie's POV*~
I am melting inside. I feel his tongue swipe across my bottom lip asking for entrance, and I granted it to him. His tongue slid into my mouth like he's done this a million times before. His tongue explored my mouth and I did the same. This is something new for me, and I like it, but all things must come to an end. I break the kiss. I feel my face burning, I know I'm blushing.
"Why don't we try those bagels." I said. He just looked at me confused.
"Or we could continue what we were doing." He suggested. Oh how I'd love to, but I can't, this isn't who I am, I can't just kiss someone for the heck of it, we have to be something, and Max and I, we're just friends.
"Maybe some other time." He looked disappointed when I said that. I quickly grabbed a bagel before this could get anymore awkward. Strawberry cream cheese, my favorite. He is truly an amazing person.
"This bagel is amazing. I love the cream cheese." I said. He seemed to be back to normal. He put a little smile on his face.
"I know, that's why it's on there." He said matter of factly. I looked at him and smiled. Then I ate my bagel. He started to talk.
"So... I decided to tell you what Luke was talking to me about yesterday." He paused, I made the motion for him to keep going.
"Before you came to the car he was trying to figure out why I was hanging out with you. It's like he was jealous but he also wanted no one to be near you. And then you walked up and I didn't want you to hear, that's why I said hi, then after you got in the car he said I better not be hanging out with you to hurt you, which I would never do. So yeah." I just sat there kind of amazed. I am completely and utterly confused. Why would Luke care?
"Strange." Was all I could say. I'm not going to worry about it.
"Don't let anyone know I told you." He said. He sounded sort of worried.
"No worries, I can keep a secret." I said.
"So, you ready to get this day started?" I said sort of as a question.
"Yep." He said. He grabbed the tray, I grabbed my clothes, and we started our day.

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